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- Audio7
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- Oral History3
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- Photos183
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- Waitangi Day 34
- Maori culture 5
- Crowds 4
- Fundraising 4
- Parades 4
- Celebrations 3
- Community Development 3
- Marae 3
- Community Groups 2
- Brass bands 1
- Community Organisations 1
- Food and Beverage 1
- Guitar 1
- Music and entertainment 1
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- Jock McEwen 17
- Heemi Kara 9
- Humphrey Rainey 6
- Wayne Guppy 3
- Grace Nicholls 2
- Hera Katene-Horvath - 'Aunty Dovey' 2
- Marie Isaacs 2
- Adam Langford 1
- Aki Langford 1
- Auntie Dovey 1
- Bert Jaspers 1
- Hilda Billington 1
- Hine Poa 1
- Jim Kara 1
- Mere Williams 1
- Nicholson, Doris Turner, OBE 1
- Pae Ruha 1
- Pat Rainey 1
- Pauline Richardson 1
- Richard Williams 1
- Sam Hunia 1
- Tamati Te U Kaiwai 1
- Tere Hunia 1
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