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    By: Rachel Sonius26th Feb 2018 9:56AMThe following comments about this image were posted on the Upper Hutt Heritage Facebook page on 25.2.2018:

    "This is the wedding of Peter Richardson to Pauline Adamson. Lynnette Adamson was the junior bridesmaid. I was a friend of hers at Fergusson Intermediate at this time. I think it was in early 1974. I remember Lynette being very excited to be bridesmaid at her big sister’s wedding. And now Peter has been our solicitor for years. Sadly both Pauline and Peter’s Mum Mary Richardson both passed away at the end of last year." (Kay Elsom)

    "I remember her [Pauline's] dress was in [an] exhibition at Expressions but just an individual shot of her in it - I would have remembered those bridesmaids' dresses if they were in it - they all look fabulous!" (Claire Mepham)
    2This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 New Zealand License
    This licence lets you remix, tweak, and build upon our work noncommercially and although your new works must also acknowledge us and be noncommercial, you do not have to license the derivative works on the same terms.
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    Hapai Club wedding group, 1974

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    Hapai Club wedding group, 1974
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