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World War 1 Resources

Troops having Lunch at Maidstone Park

This photograph shows men of the 7th Reinfocement on the second day of their strenuous march over the Rimutakas from Featherston to Trentham. This event took place at the end of every Reinforcements' period of infantry training in the Wairarapa. After having spent their first night in Kaitoke troops marched to Maidstone Park in central Upper Hutt where they had lunch. After this they marched over the hill to the Mangaroa Valley where they spent another night in the open and participated in a mock attack at dawn, before finally marching on to Trentham.

Maidstone Park was a popular picnic ground which had been opened in 1908 by local entrpreneur Phil Davis. It had originally been a private park that charged an entrance fee for recreational use. Many workplaces as well as families travelled out from Wellington on specially discounted trains to hold their picnics here, making it a highly profitable business. Davis eventually leased, and then sold, the park to the Upper Hutt Borough Council.