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Jackson, Wilfred Revelle (1918-2015)
Content & arrangement
Archives TypePhotographic prints and negativesScope & contentThe collection consists of 1100-odd envelopes of grey-scale negatives, and 166 of colour negatives (accession 264); another 16 envelopes of colour negatives (accession 250), almost all 57 x 57 mm, taken with a Rolleiflex camera; a box of 35 mm transparencies, and 35 mm greyscale negatives (Accession 283); 176 mounted prints which Revelle Jackson produced from some negatives, for an exhibition at the Upper Hutt Community Gallery in August 1998 (accession 330); and another 71 prints which were added for a second exhibition in 2000 (accession 407).
As of January 2017, the 35 mm negatives have not been sighted for a number of years.Organisation & ArrangementThe negatives are kept in assorted envelopes of different sizes, which were transferred in several different accessions. Groups of envelopes were grouped in rough alphabetical order, by subject. Negatives are located in locations 8c and 8d; prints are stored in boxes in 2d.
As of January 2017, the 35 mm negatives have not been sighted for a number of years.Organisation & ArrangementThe negatives are kept in assorted envelopes of different sizes, which were transferred in several different accessions. Groups of envelopes were grouped in rough alphabetical order, by subject. Negatives are located in locations 8c and 8d; prints are stored in boxes in 2d.
Archive Reference11Quantityc2000
HistoryWilfred Revelle Jackson and his wife Stella emigrated from England in 1952 and bought land in the Mangaroa Valley.
As Revelle Jackson he worked as a commercial photographer in the Hutt Valley, producing wedding and family portraits and frequently accompanying the editor of the 'Upper Hutt Leader' Julia Bradley in the 1950s and 1960s to take photographs for the newspaper; often only one or none of these photographs would be used for the newspaper story.
Revelle Jackson retired in 1980.
He died in Hutt Hospital on June 26, 2015.
As Revelle Jackson he worked as a commercial photographer in the Hutt Valley, producing wedding and family portraits and frequently accompanying the editor of the 'Upper Hutt Leader' Julia Bradley in the 1950s and 1960s to take photographs for the newspaper; often only one or none of these photographs would be used for the newspaper story.
Revelle Jackson retired in 1980.
He died in Hutt Hospital on June 26, 2015.
Series11/1 Envelopes containing black and white negatives c1952-1990; 11/2 Envelopes containing colour negatives c1952-1990; 11/3 Prints from 1998 exhibition; 11/4 Items from 1998 exhibition; 11/5 Small prints separated from negatives envelopes during processing; 11/6 Prints from 2000 Exhibition
Mr Jackson's negatives have been divided into two series - greyscale (A11/1) and colour negatives (A11/2).
In almost all cases the negatives are 57 x 57 mm, produced by Rolleiflex cameras, usually in multiples of 12; there are pairs or single negatives in each envelope; sometimes there are images taken on separate occasions. 100 x 125 mm sheet film was used when copying photographs and for special occasions , and there are some negatives 82 x 57 mm, and two glass plates. In many cases there are colour negatives taken at the same time as grey-scale; the envelope numbers have been cross-referenced.
Envelope markings are all in capitals; some letters are difficult to interpret; in particular, a K is written as an I joined to an inverted V, like a reversed N, and has been interpreted as a U and Y, among other possibilities. Gee was read as See. A McIntyre was misread as McPulize, Watson as Natoon, Glasgow as Glasoon, and Clark as Glaru; such misreadings survive on DVDs of scanned images.
Envelope titles are copied below:additions or corrections to the original markings are in brackets [].
Descriptions of contents, where bracketed [], may be limited to scanned content; there may be other things pictured. Name changes were made after checks against electoral rolls or ‘Upper Hutt Leader’ sources.
1. Army march past [6 scanned]
2. Dawn Garments[car park (3) and netball team; greyscale 590, 591] Scholes heron (greyscale 904); Jackson house [not scanned; Main Street from Queen’s Chambers]
3. Josie's cake for Irene; basketware; Woodley 23 Moonshine [5 basketware scanned]
4. Hutt Valley Boys' Choir [Wellington railway station; 2 scanned; greyscale 755]
5. Newman family group 2 girls, 2 boys [1 scanned]
6. Working Men's Club (print and negatives) [committee, Grosvenor Lounge?; 1 scanned]
7. Sound of Music [store; 3 scanned]
8. Ladidahs - colour (prints only) [2 scanned]
9. Whiteman family [2 grandparents, parents, girl, baby boy]
10. Dairy Board [Wellington Dairy Farmers' Co-operative Asssociation directors; 1 scanned]]
11. Hazelwoods; view of swing bridge [Maidstone pool; 5 views from hill above Kashmir Ave including 2 of Maoribank suspension bridge; 6 scanned]
12. City status (floats etc); Jane Armstrong; ambulance Quinn's Post; Quinn's Post - pony and trap [and two of proclamation ceremony, one of ambulance (?) funded by Quinn’s Post; 10 total scanned; greyscale 348]
13. Hazelwoods train; Maidstone Park; B [Bernice] Smart's painting [3 train pictures scanned]
14. Flora sculptures Feb 1969 [in pencil "Flora Kelton, daughter of Chapman-Taylor"; 4 scanned ]
15. Toad of Toad Hall [school production; 2 scanned]
16. Witt / Simpson [2 mature couples; not see in Graham Whitt, Carol Yvette Simpson wedding pictures; 2 scanned] Council Chambers; gardens [not scanned]
To reduce the size of the list, all earlier mistakes , cross-references and annotations have been removed from this listing, to reduce its size; the descriptions identify subjects, and little else.
1. Miss Aldworth Allworth on another envelope; Jocelyn Allwood added to electoral roll, 1972
2. Anderson-Beazley wedding greyscale, 227
3. Anderton wedding
4. Anthony 3 small boys
5. Ashford small girl
6. Ashford small girl
7. Avis wedding
8. Bradley 4 generations
9. Bignal wedding
11. Miss Canning; Mrs O’Hare’s son
12. Cawthorne-Wainui parents, adult son, daughter
13. Norman Cook- Heather Gray wedding
14. Cooke baby (Erin) girl
15. Corbett-Smith wedding
16. Cotton boy
17. Deans-Catchpole wedding
18. Rhys Burton-Stella De Stefano wedding
19. Dudley (Ballet) small girl, tutu
20. Dumper boy, girl
21. Nicholas Duncan-Judith Ann Thompson wedding
22. Edie small boy
23. Francois Colin Lily wedding
24. Free young woman
25. Leonard Moore, Denise Gifkins wedding
26. Goodwin mother and 3 boys
27. Jim Grant 2 young men
28. Harris; males of 4 generations
29. John Haxton / Jenyfer Graham wedding
30. Baths; Hazelwoods Maidstone pool
31. Hercocks grocery display
32. Hibbert baby girl
33. Hosie wedding Julie Hosie, A. Sunkel
34. Twin units backing onto south bank of Hutt River
35. Schoolboy rugby
36. Flora Kelton shield sculpture
37. Kelly
38. Leighton wedding
39. Mrs Lyons grave
40. McCracken groom?
41. McCutcheon; baby girl
42. Milne / Hallinan wedding
43. Mowat / Stone wedding
44. Wendy Nicholson portraits; one with mother Doris (mayor)
45. Wendy? Nicholson / FitzSimmons
46. Norman family
47. Norton family
48. P. Owles Pharmacy window display
49. Pearce / Stewart wedding
50. Philby / Law couple; studio
51. Plastroweld display; industries fair
52. Mr Pollitt; Munn family
53. Prince baby girl
54. Rennie wedding
55. Terry Ryan family
56. Sullivan (Epuni) family
57. Turvey family
58. Salisbury wedding
59. Dianne Patricia Smith / Gregory Martin Wale wedding
60. Stevenson or Stevens; young woman
61. Tapp / Gorrie wedding
62. Tasman Vaccine copy
63. Taylor debutante; small Roberts girl
64. Graham Taylor / Patricia Lucinsky wedding
65. Thomas (McIntyre / Denham 1966) wedding
66. Quinn's Post darts trophies
67. Trigg small boy
68. Helen Turner / Norman Cook wedding
69. U.H.? brass band civic centre; Dinah Maule baby boy
70. Watson wedding
71. Waikari young woman; McCracken wedding; Fergusson Intermediate Maori group
72. Miss Watt; 'Snow White' Fraser Crescent School
73. Webster wedding Reg. Office bride, groom, parents, home garden; greyscale 1008
74. Williamson child in tutu
75. Wikeley baby boy
76. Winter family, Moeraki Road
77. Winter (Moeraki Road) boy, girl
78. Woolworths opening interiors
79. Colin Abden and German Shepherd puppies
80. Colin Abden, German Shepherd and pups, greyscale 219; Bath; Parker
81. Colin Abden; kennels, German Shepherd, lap-dog; cattery building
82. Aboud family
83. Julianne Adams / Dennis Hall wedding
84. Alexander family
85. Armstrong baby girl
86. Alexander / Kidd wedding
87. Elizabeth Pearlene Baker / Kenneth Greig McDonald wedding
88. John Fletcher / Mary Bennett wedding
89. Bishop / Fitzgibbon wedding
90. Bitter Ends? Ladidahs audience Rugby Club gym
91. Blaney family
92. Bradley wedding
93. Briscoe debutante
94. Brown baby boy
95. Sandra Burch / Charles Alexander Potts wedding
96. Pamela Lyn Burton- Brown / James Andrew Jacques wedding; Lynne McLennan with Tascha
97. Cains wedding; Ken Rosson, Glennis Rosalie Cains
98. Young woman with baby in backpack?; Campbell family group, 4 generations
99. Cranke / West wedding
100. Cooley / Josephs wedding
101. RSA, Anzac Day King Street; Crossley twins
102. Angus Cruickshank / Jean Findlay wedding
103. De Vries family
104. James Edwards / Elizabeth Cook wedding
105. Fergusson Intermediate School uniforms
106. Fletcher baby boy, son of John and Mary
107. Floral art, Taita College; Lynne McLennan nee Jackson
108. Floral Art; Hobson / Howard 3 women in action
109. Frigidaire range and splashback
110. Glasgow couple
111. Bob Gray portrait
112. Roger John Guinness / Glenda Florence Larkin wedding
113. Hall small boy
114. A. Hamill / Heather Douglas wedding
115. Harris teenage boy, girl
116. Harris bagpiper
117. Hartley wedding
118. Jeff Head wedding
119. Jim Hosie (of Dominion Life) family portraits
120. Unidentified bungalow
121. Christie farm
122. Tasman Vaccine Laboratory display; scene by Salmond home swimming pool
123. Johnson supermarket display
124. Jones / Tyndale wedding
125. Jurisich? wedding
126. Winsome G. Kaye / Brabant wedding
127. Kelly young woman; Kelly bride on horse-drawn carriage
128. Riverside portrait of Mrs. King, Te Marua
129. Douglas John Shaw / Marion Lester wedding
130. McIlroy; teenage brother and sister?
131. Jill Manderson, debutante
132. Laurie Marshall, 2 small girls
133. Janet Marion Milne / Brian Coslett wedding
134. Milne boy, smaller girl; Plunket baby Henderson
135. Murray; 2 girls, smaller boy
136. Paul Murray / Elaine Good wedding
137. Denise O'Callaghan / Carl Sayer wedding; Mrs. Pink's Party Providers, St John’s hall set up for wedding
138. O'Hare baby girl
139. O'Keefe and Weddell; girl, 2 boys, school uniforms; Ford Falcon, black spaniel
140. Piper / Pearson wedding
141. Piper / Pearson wedding
142. Elsie Winifred Press / Wayne Donald wedding
143. Ralston wedding
144. Rifle club group with Collins Challenge Shield
145. Joy Rigarlsford / Richard John Berry wedding
146. Rink boy, 3?
147. Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Hudson; 2 girls, garden; 2 girls, smaller boy
148. Ryall boy, 2 girls
149. Alf Scholes race horse/s
150. Sedman wedding parents of bride and groom (?)
151. Mark Ihaia / Elaine Smith wedding
152. Tasman Vaccine Laboratory; charts
153. Taylor / Gredig wedding
154. Thompson house and interiors
155. Thomson and Davis young girl (also in a greyscale exhibition print); young man in hood and gown
156. John Thurston, Heretaunga College principal; oil painting
157. Turvey mother and two children
158. Van Ham wedding
159. Patricia Vare / William Baillie wedding
160. Grave Carel Hendrik van Voorthuysen grave and headstone; no greyscale
161. Walton baby
162. Second wedding, Mrs Hall? / Mr Ward?
163. Watts 2 boys, 3 smaller girls
164. Beverley Williams / Kenneth Cherry wedding
165. Carol Williams / David Frederick Livingstone wedding
166. Car towing Anthony Motors Crusader carava; car and trailer; male portrait; a building
(including envelopes originally missing, coming via accessions 377 and 391)
A typical shoot might use one or many 12-exposure films; a 21st birthday shoot or wedding could run to 7 or more and a civic ball to around 17. Films were cut into single negatives or pairs for filing, and placed in new or used envelopes; pieces were easily mixed. There were up to four different envelopes of negatives from one event, scattered through the collection; their contents have been moved to the first envelope-number found, and allocated A, B, C, . . . In some instances it made sense to sort the contents by subject; in other cases they have been left in the original groupings, as it would be a major exercise to reassemble each film, and even then, the order in which the films were shot would be guesswork.
Strings of capital letters indicate markings on films; they were applied by hand, so that negatives could be identified from proof sheets, where multiple negatives had been laid on a large sheet of photographic paper; such sheets were exposed to light under an enlarger, developed and shown to people wanting to purchase enlargements. Unfortunately, a row of negatives marked A1 to A12 often turned out to come from several different films, so that actual sequencing of the films from an event involved solving multiplejigsaw puzzles. Fortunately, most of the film used was Ilford, and marked 1 to 12 by the makers; and the position of the numbers, and the ‘Ilford fine grain FP3 (or4) panchromatic’ wording at each end, varied relative to the images; this helped identification of negatives from the same film.
The envelope markings are listed below, with alterations in brackets.
1. Aboud 1969 small boy, girl; other family pictures greyscale 502 and colour A264, 82
2. Anthony family group, 3 boys
3. Avery Rd. kindergarten. Coster 1968
4a Croll wedding Cowell double wedding?
4b Croll wedding Cowell?
5a Avery Rd kindergarten 1969
5b Avery Rd kindergarten 1969
6. Heathcote White concert. choirs.
7. Montgomery wedding Erin Elizabeth Montgomery, Trevor Walker
8. Ian Ross
9. Ian Ross; father, son, 2 daughters
10. Sullivan. Epuni; small boy, 2 girls
11. Cains family group pre-wedding
12. Parry baby boy
13. Papageorges baby Litsa 1st birthday
14. Parker baby girl
15. Litsa baby Papageorges girl
16. Crane wedding a second?
17. Parry mother and girl baby
18. Percival baby girl
19. Lints young woman
20. Jim MacFarlane father and son
21. Litsa Papageorge's christening
22. Samoan copies
23. Birkett baby girl
24. Kelly young woman
25. Graham Whitt, Carol Yvette Simpson wedding;
26. Kay debutante.
27. Jeff Head wedding
28. Laurie Whiteman 21st
29. Sudfelt / Davidson engagement
30. Watson wedding
31. Ralph Curny, Robyn Frater wedding
32. Kenneth Greig McDonald, Elizabeth Pearlene Baker wedding
33. R.S.A. ball 1972
34. Canning teenage girl
35. Campbell small boy, baby girl
36. Martin Armstrong Tiger Moth biplane, Ford Prefect car ca. 1950
37. Girl pianist and bird
38. Amy baby and mother
39. Rusty, cat.
40. Cat.
41. Boy and collie
42. Kathleen Ruck debutante.
43. B. Hoey 21st
44. Small baby girl
45. Boys' Brigade. Lower Hutt Town Hall. 50th anniversary
46. Magnus Motors Austin 1300
47. Morris Hill / Susan Green wedding
48. Mercer stainless steel mufflers
49. Cains Motors Ltd. Atlantic petrol.
50. Bryce baby boy, Mangaroa
51. Bedford baby boy
52. Beatson grandmother, parents, 4 boys
53. Bath group young woman, 3 young men
54. Hamlin 21st
55. Brown boy toddler
56. Dave Brown businessman
57. Men in Royal and Ancient Order of Buffaloes regalia
58. Kidd small boys, mother
59. Heathcote White. Alan, kitten
60. Heathcote White. kittens
61. Heathcote White cat ‘Rusty’?
62. Arbuthnot baby boy toddler, older girl
63. Dawson wedding
64. Morris Hill / Susan Green wedding moved to 47B
65. Heathcote White Animal Rescue children?
66. Brown baby boy
67. Freeman wedding, Civic Centre
68. Kelly wedding St Catherine’s; horse carriage
69. Bentley (gown) male graduate
70. Johnson 21st twins
71. ‘Miss Falcon’, Miss Upper Hutt contestant
72. Hosie wedding Julie Hosie, A. Sunkel
73. Bates 2 girls in school uniform; colour negatives
74. Horner wedding
75. Colin Williams / Christine Howard wedding
76. Hodson 21st
77. Piper / Pearson wedding
78. Dr Humphrey Rainey
79. Trevor Norton 21st
80. Glennis Rosalie Cains
81. Public Trust building, Gibbons St
82. Baby-seat designed by Marilyn Campbell
83. Bonica boys; toddler, baby
84. Moore baby girl
85. Alistair Campbell’s boy, 2 sisters
86. R. Bousfield; 2 small boys, father
87. Newman small boy, small girls, baby boy
88. McCarthy 2 girls
89. icol or Nicholl/s teenage girl
90. McCauley baby girl
91. Kenneth Greig McDonald / Elizabeth Pearlene Baker wedding; contents moved to 32C
92. Kenneth Greig McDonald / Elizabeth Pearlene Baker wedding; contents moved to 32B
93. William Bailey Baillie / Patricia Vare wedding
94. Armstrong wedding
95. Carol Ross 21st
96. Casson grandfather, mother, son, 5 girls
97. R. Bousfield small boy, baby girl
98. Man, hat, in garden
99. Silverstream baby competition
100. Ashford baby and girl (5?)
101. Nicol or Nicholl/s baby girl
102. Munday baby girl
103. Murray 2 girls, smaller boy
104. Medals good conduct Trentham
105. Coutts girl, 3 boys
106. S.T.C. Rectifier
107. Buddingh baby Burling?
108. Stewart / Milne wedding
109. Dunlop Kaiwharawhara
110. Boys’ Brigade. Rugby football
111. Baker house
112. Westbury toy shop frontage
113. Bryant baby girl in pram, Hazelwoods - Xmas
114. Hartley engagement wedding
115. Gillett 21st.
116. Ian Stimson, Yvonne Anderton wedding
117. Norman family
118. Norton;3 girls
119. Nunn; pre-school girl
120. O'Neill mother and baby
121. O'Hare baby girl
122. O'Neill girl and dog
123. Oliver; pre-school girl
124. O'Connor young man
125. Antoni and Hannah Mary Olszewski
126. Peter Owles Nivea window display
127. RSA building
128. Ross family, Pinehaven
129. Rosson baby girl
130. Ruck (Ruby) debutante, with family
131. Roberts baby girl
132. Roberts baby boy
133. Rugby Club Australian visit, 7 group
134. Styles – Heartbeat young woman with pony, colt
135. Peter Renshaw
136. Pond boy, girl; pre-school; twins?
137. Potter (2 children)
138. Professional ladies’Uniforms
139. Alison Prince/Mrs Harrison Prince 3 different children
140. A. Prince baby 2 children
141. Prouse boys; baby, toddler
142. Pryke family christening group
143. Quinn boy toddler
144. Quinn, (Leo) baby girl and boy
145. Pynenburg grandfather, parents, 3 boys, girl
146. Quirk, Eddie
147. Rainey, Dr (Trinity House) Main Street building
148. Clarry Nicol or Nicholl/s 21st
149. Needham engagement
150. Bogg wedding
151. Colin / Lily
152. Codyre 21st
153. Morris Hill Susan Green wedding; contents to 47C
154. McCracken wedding groom?
155. McCrae elderly woman
156. McIntyre
157. McKay (Allan) local vet and Rotarian
158. McKays Allan and young adult boy, girl
159. McKenzie baby girl
160. McLeod; 2 small boys
161. McNeil baby 2 girls
162. Manhart baby 2 girls
163. Markwood House (office of Mark & Wood Real Estate)
164. Mannequins at RSA
165. Houses photographed for Mark & Wood); one at 614 Main Rd
166. Marsden 21st
167. Maymorn Contractors’ ball (Ron Brough)
168. Moody; young woman
169. Pinks Party Providers cakes
170A. Prince baby girl
170B. A&P 1967 Croft beauty pageant
171. Douglas / Whitehead wedding
172. Nicholas Duncan / Judith Ann Thompson wedding
173. Graham Lucinsky / Patricia Taylor wedding
174. McCracken wedding
175. Ralton silver wedding
176. Kortink family
177. Ralph, Mrs Sandra, hairdresser
178. Ralph hairdresser's assistant
179. Randall, Randell or Randle
180. Red Coaches restaurant group
181. Ranstyne(?) family
182. Heretaunga Players play 'Miranda'
183. Roberts small girl
184. Carl Sayer, Denise O’Callaghan wedding
185. Scott / Auckram wedding
186. Matthew Sharpe, Beverley Hawker wedding
187. Smith (Ray) wedding
188. Trappett (Ron) Greytown Christmas 1972
189. Thompson 60th birthday
190. Todd 21st
191. Van der Ryk wedding; de Riet?
192. Wong 21st twins
193. Young 21st
194. G. E. Davidson / Beverley Morrison wedding
195. Warren Frater's 21st
196. Taylor debutante
197. Ken Rosson, Glennis Rosalie Cains wedding
198. Smith (Gavin) 2 boys
199. Avery kindergarten
200. BNZ Christmas displa; also includes staff photo
201. Cranke / West wedding
202. Marilyn Campbell baby sling
203. Clouston Park Rd. shops; close-ups of faults
204. Jones golden wedding
205. Quinn's Post views
206. Bayley baby girl, and mother
207. Animal Rescue Society photo competition
208. Tasman Vaccine Laboratory; laboratory interiors
209. Ashford birthday party
210. Bus shelter at Maymorn
211. Four shops near Pine Avenue
212. Birkett baby 2 girls
213. Birkett baby boy
214. Boersma family
215. Bond (girl) in fancy dress
216. Braddock baby boy
217. Beets baby
218. Bedford baby and boy
219. Colin Abden and dog kennels
220. Kemp 6 children and dog
221. McFarlane or McParland?; bursary winner
222. Kebbells or Keebles boy, 2 girls
223. Kaitoke Christmas social
224. Ian Stimson, Yvonne Anderton wedding; contents to 116 A-D
225. Julianne Adams, Dennis Hall wedding
226. Armstrong 21st
227. Beazley / Anderson wedding
228. Barnes, Paul (Lions Club cheque)
229. Birkett, E. R. man in cardigan
230. Bishop / FitzGibbon wedding
231. The Thwarting of Baron Bolligrew (school play)
232. James Smith manager Paul Brackley farewell
233. James and Pauline Brown 21st
234. Bruce / Harding wedding
235. Colin Miller wedding
236. Carson (dogs)
237. Charlesworth (Cats)
238. Sisters Connel (Catholic nuns)
239. Chiffney wedding
240. David Lott / Marie Davies wedding
241. A. Hamill / Heather Douglas wedding
242. Ron Gee wedding
243. Heathcote-White cats for Animal Rescue
244. A. Sunkel, Julie Hosie wedding; negatives, to 72A
245. Jan woman
246. Jarden young man
247. Kebbell or Keeble mother, children
248. Kindergarten (Ruru Street)
249. King family groups
250. King children
251. Krawcyzk or Taylor baby
252. Laing; 3 children
253. Laing baby
254. Laing baby girl
255. Laing grandmother, parents, boy, girl
256. Landers (debutante and mother)
257. Leckie debutantes
258. Lee baby boy
259. Lennon children
260. Leper sisters
261. Leper sisters September 1968
262. Douglas John Shaw / Marion Lester wedding
263. Douglas John Shaw / Marion Lester wedding
264. Maidstone Mall - fashion parade - James Smiths
265. Maidstone Mall - Traffic, James Smith, sewing competition, Mana Go-Kart, and Yacht Club
266. Maidstone Mall - Scottish country dancing, Datson Datsun/s?, and cooking
267. Maidstone Mall - Sunkist Orange
268. Maidstone Mall - Gethings, Wombles and Cathy passport
269. Martin; 4 small boys
270. Martin girl and golliwog
271. Martin 3 small boys
272. Helen Mathew
273. Matich concert
274. Matich choir / piano
275. Merv Max earthmoving machinery and trucks
276. Moar baby girl
277. Moody grandmother, parents, 2 boys, 2 girls
278. Moon / Keebles wedding
279. Mowat / Stone wedding
280. Phal (?) 21st
281. Piper / Macauley; wedding
282. Doors in Rosson house
283. Heretaunga Players ‘The Paragon’
284. Heretaunga Players - ‘Home is the Hunted’, ‘Among Those Present’, ‘A Phoenix Too Frequent’
285. Heretaunga Players – ‘The Magic Shoemaker’
286. Heretaunga Players – ‘The Man who Came to Dinner’
287. Heretaunga Players – The Man who Came to Dinner’ (missing?
288. Heretaunga Players - ‘The Piccadilly Bushman’
289. Heretaunga Players - ‘The American Dream’/’The Dumb Waiter’
290. Heretaunga Players – ‘New Clothes for the Emperor’
291. Heretaunga Players - ‘New Clothes for the Emperor’ rehearsal 1
292. Heretaunga Players - ‘New Clothes for the Emperor’ rehearsal 2
293. Heretaunga Players - ‘Little Boy Blue’
294. Heretaunga Players - 'The Bear’, ‘Trial by Jury’
295. Heretaunga Players - 'Major Barbara'
296. Heretaunga Players - 'Major Barbara'
297. Heretaunga Players - ‘The Thwarting of Baron Bolligrew’
298. Heretaunga Players -'Sweeney Todd' dress rehearsal
299. Repco building
300. Repco propeller shafts
301. Repco group photographs
302. RSA Anzac Day 1975
303. RSA opening of new building
304. Les Reynolds daughter
305. Alan Rhodes
306. Tom Rice / Duncan wedding
307. Richie White family
308. Rickard man
309. Rickard family
310. Joy Rigarlsford / Richard John Berry wedding
311. Riley woman; cap and gown
312. Ritchie-Marsden couple
313. Rosson 21st
314. Rugby gym; youth dance
315. Rugby gym; last dance
316. Rugby club; committee groups
317. Upper Hutt scenes for 1970 Rugby Club jubilee history
318. Rugby jubilee; decade groups
319. Rush mother, schoolgirl and boy
320. Ryall 2 girls, boy
321. Mr Salek, Repco
322. Matthew Sharpe / Beverley Hawker wedding; contents to 186B
323. Sanders family
324. Smith wedding; daughter of Alf Smith, plumber, Dunlop
325. Spratt / McMillan wedding
326. Stewart / Pearce wedding
327. Christine Tapp, E. Gorrie wedding
328. Christine Tapp, E. Gorrie wedding
329. Van der Togt wedding
330. Wallis 25th wedding anniversary331. Whiteman wedding
332. Beverley Williams / Kenneth Cherry wedding
333. Bath 21st
334. Civic Ball
335. Evon wedding
336. St. Catherine’s
337. Copies; 1, cats, rat; 2, NZ trout stamp; 3, halved; A; stamps;Japanese dog and Jeannette Ryder, founder of Cuban Band of Mercy; B, 2 pics of Russian space dogs
338. Duckett copies; St Joseph’s original church
339. Granger copy
340. Norman Kirk / Ron Bailey emergency tour, Wahine storm
341. Street views taken around 1965; St Joseph’s church under construction
342. Armistice Day; Civic Centre memorial
343. Totara Park opening
344. Totara Park bridge opening
345. Mangaroa halt decorated for royal visit
346. 1st baby Scobie city status
347. Lions’ orphanage trip; Whiteman house relocated for use by Heretaunga Players and Art Club
348. City status 1966
349. Te Marua golf club house opening
350. Hazelwoods Mrs Codyre’s ‘overdraft kit’
351. Catholic priests
352. Girls’ Brigade Johansson Queen’s badge
353. Te Marua school ball
354. Anthony Motors caravan exchange
355. Anthony Motors, caravans
356. Menzies parents, 3 adult daughters
357. Original Silverstream Post Office, spinning, Rotary Malaysian visitors
358. Red Cross groups juniors and seniors;fire, Wallaceville hill; building site near hills
359. Heretaunga Players, ‘Sweeney Todd’ studio pictures
360. Hazelwoods, travel bureau; extra ladies’ staff
361. Decimal training BNZ
362. Leo and Noelene Quinn; parents, 4 girls, 8 boys
363. Views Upper Hutt 1968
364. Heretaunga Players house on the move; Lions’ orphanage outing; Plateau cross country
365. Fire Wallaceville hill
366. Princess Parade; contestants
367. "Moving Folks" group
368. Rimutaka tunnel; unofficial opening
369. Highland dancer Tracey Watson
370. Heretaunga Players, Art Club - Old house before being moved from Martin St to Ward/Miro streets corner
371. Girls Brigade, seat to City Civic Centre
372. British Lions Rugby team and St Joseph's boys
373. Labour Party Heretaunga Women's Division 1975 Mrs Rowling present
374. Consolidated Plastics dance
375. Gayleen Brown Queen’s badge Guide
376. Anthony Motors caravans
377. Anthony Motors caravans
378. World Jaycee president’s visit
379. Rotary president’s party, St John’s hall
380. St John’s ambulance hall
381. Rugby club 1970 jubilee photos; to envelope 499
382. Anzac dawn parade 1969 at memorial pool
383. Jaycee World president visit. St John’s hall
384. Tasman Vaccine Laboratory concrete pouring
385. Rotary; mayoral city robes presented
386. RSA widows’ Christmas party
387. Marines’ RSA visit
388. Golf Club ball - Te Marua
389. Hazelwoods Dorothy Gray ‘Dotty’ cosmetics girls
390. Hazelwoods Father Christmas 67
391. Father Christmas 67
392. Hutchinson 21st
393. Quinns Post; Brian Faint’s stag night
394A. Mary Anne McCurdy 100th birthday
394B. Science prize winers; fireman; Hapai Club aprons; Baptist crusade;soft toy collection
395. Codyre daughter teenage/21
396. Maymorn school and break up
397. Mrs Morgan Woolworths decimal currency tutor?
398. Silverstream houses and general
399. Quinn family group
400. Trentham Memorial, Maidstone park, &c.
401. Quinns Post stag night? Not Brian Faint’s?
402. Quinns Post Christmas party Barton’s Bush
403. Borlase man 21st
404. Dunlop factory; visit by Sir Bernard Fergusson
405. Fire Brigade safety-hazard pictures
406. BNZ Christmas trees
407. Rotary; Chinese dinner-dance
408. Rotary; Rotoract; charter night
409. A&P Pet parade
410. Martin diamond wedding
411. Dunlops Christmas social
412. Teenage dance
413. Teenage dance
414. Upper Hutt views from water tower tank below Kingsley Heights
415. RSA Ball
416. St Joseph's Church; plaque listing persons buried in the former graveyard
417. Civic Ball; to 334C
418. St John’s hall fancy dress youth dance
419. Woolworths checkers of the year competition; 1967
420. Rotary exchange California passport photos?
421. Civil Defence groups; mostly school-girls
422. Leading Aircraftsman Tony Morgan 21st
423. Quinn's Post Guy Fawkes
424. Hedley Gibson BNZ manager cheque to mayor George Thomas
425. Hazelwoods Christmas calendar pictures
426. Hazelwoods individual staff members.
427. Hazelwoods Father Christmas arrival 1967, crippled boy
428. Hazelwoods wine and cheese evening
429. Hazelwoods family; 2 small girls and mother
430. Rugby League ball 1
431. Rugby League ball 2
432. Plunket ball 1
433. Mayoress Mrs Kidman and women’s group
434. RSA committee groups and individuals
435. Hazelwoods dress making and Woolworths painting competition winner
436. Hazelwoods tools displays
437. Hazelwoods, Helen Burgess, J. D. ‘Mac’ McMillan farewell
438. Hazelwoods social. Grosvenor Lounge, Geange Street
439. Hazelwoods make and model
440. Hazelwoods women's day 68
441. Hazelwoods decimal currency class; Alan Gibbs and bank manager, women’s group
442. Llass groups in front of old St Joseph's; also church on its own
443. Plunket ball 2
444. Jaycee group/s and portraits
445. Rugby League ball; in 431A
446. Rugby League ball; in 431B
447. RSPCA starving dog; Reilly
448. Plateau School social
449. St Joseph’s school; small groups
450. Hazelwoods staff women's day
451. RSA dawn parade 1970
452. RSA Ball, Civic Centre, 1972; in 32A
453. Civic ball 1972; in 334A
454. Bitter End band scanned, Dreamy Girl, Raceworthy unexplained
455. Rugby Club social 1970
456. RSA Christmas 1973
457. Civic Ball 1972; in 334D
458. RSA Christmas 1972
459. Swimming club carnival
460. Dunlops Vietnamese visit
461. RSA South Africa veterans‘ reunion; the last?
462. STC social Upper Hutt School
463. A&P Ball 1969
464. Civil Defence exercise; street scenes
465. A&P Ball 1967
466. RSA Ball, Civic Centre 1972; in 33C
467. Bitter End, Ladidahs; bands
468. Alan McKay veterinarian; Heretaunga Rotary president
469. David Edhouse ’s brother’s 21st
470. General Motors social St John’s hall
471. Goodman ballet school concert
472. Hapai Club 12th birthday May 1969
473. Kindergarten ball
474. Leper sisters; Red Cross Samoan relief fund collectors
475. Council donation from Whiteman Trust, Stuart Macaskill; portrait, Hapai building, Playcentre building. Neville Sceats, and traffic officer in Main Street.
476. Maidstone swim pool
477. Simon cat. Father Donaghue priest ordination, RSPCA Junior League, American woman,, Hitching couple 65 years; rider and movie cameraman
478. Leader Cricket, Alexander
479. St Joseph's orphanage, 2 sisters
480. St Joseph's communion 1970.
481. St Joseph's communion 1972
482. St Joseph's communion 1971
483. St Joseph's communion 1969
484. St Joseph's communion
485. Heretaunga College gymnastics, new cricket pavilion; swimming pool; bull and goose, Silverstream school formal.
486. Te Marua Brown Owl School group; Scout Robin Coutts; George Hopkins, 99
487. Dawn Garments ball
488. Heretaunga Players - ‘The Good Old Days’
489. Heretaunga Players - ‘Come As You Are’
490. Heretaunga Players; Hi Lites group
491. STC social
492. Dawn Garments party
493. Dawn Garments school visit
494. Dawn Garments factory opening
495. Dawn Garments Christmas party
496. Dawn Garments netball
497. Civic Centre topping off
498. St Joseph's Church nearing completion
499. Rugby Club jubilee 1970
500. The Graham Marcell Dance Orchestra
501. Rotary envelope not found
502. Aboud girl, smaller boy
503. A & P show
504. A & P ponies and general
505. Sister Aidan passport
506. Aitken; Te Marua accident
507. Scott Aitken 4 generations
508. Alexander make and model competition winner
509. Alexander 21st
510. Coral Alexander; young dressmaker/designer
511. Alexander mother of Coral and owner of House of Fleur
512. Allen baby boy
513. Allwood young woman; Allworth or Aldworth on envelopes
514. Anderton baby girl
515. Anderton 21st. (Rosina)
516. Ian Andrews
517. Animal rescue Joerlin (?)
518. Animal rescue stall in the Mall
519. Animal rescue; Beck Cup, St Brendan’s
520. Animal rescue, garden fete
521. Harry Kent with children and pigeons; Ivan Benge’s vintage car
522. Boy with dog. Haggerty
523. Dog show
524. 2 boys and dog
525.Copies; couple, stamps
526. Anthony Motors camper vans
527. Anthony grocer shop display
528. Taylor wedding, girls, girl and dog, Art Club Spanish do, Vance Vivian decoration.
529. Ashford small girl
530. Auction Mart building, Queen Street
531. Australia and New Zealand Bank building
532. Ballroom dancing group championship
533. Bank of New South Wales
534. Barry Feickert
535. Plunket fashion parade, RSA
536. Beatty engagement
537. John Fletcher / Mary Bennett wedding
538. Blaney parents seated, adult daughters
539. Boys Brigade 8th annual display
540. St Andrews Boys Brigade group
541. Dick Bradley
542. Julia Bradley
543. Gayle Briscoe, Jill Manderson, debutantes
544. Bernie Brown, folk singer
545. Pamela Lyn Burton-Brown / James Andrew Jacques wedding
546. Bull 21st
547. Raymond Morgan / Dianne Burrows wedding
548. Burton / Everingham wedding
549. Business Women's Association candle-light do
550. Glennis Rosalie Cains
551. Glennis Rosalie Cains 21st; also included; group outside ANZ Bank?
552. Caltex magnetic spinning tops; mayor Doris Nicholson at Red Cross awards function
553. Canning two teenage girls
554. Campbells; 4 generations
555. Carey baby boy
556. Carmichael family parents
557. Christmas 1968 carnival final Upper Hutt
558. Car trials
559. Cassidy baby girl, mother
560. George Chapman
561. Chilcott boy
562. Karen Clapp(?) nurses
563. Clark, lance-corporal
564. Clark copies; lawn bowler and radio ham
565. Clark (Anderton) baby boy
566. Clarke baby boy
567. Clothier golden wedding
568. Coe; 2 grandparents, parents, boy, 2 girls
569. Coffey Four Square grocer display
570. Caretaker St John’s. George Colello
571. Collins panelbeater accident case ; and studio photo of man
572. Collins panelbeater smash
573. Comesky 21st
574. Community Advisory Service Ron Bailey, M. P., mayor Doris Nicholson, 6 others
575. Consolidated Plastics factory – legal machine guarding?; also contains unidentified group outside ANZ Bank?
576. Cook magician
577. ‘Fourmyula’ record promotion; 2 girls in Beggs music shop and on street
578. Cottle kindergarten wine and cheese
579. Coulson; 2 small girls and mother/grandmother
580. Cross baby girl
581. Pat Dallas, young woman; Irmgard Ritchie kindergarten; pram guard
582. Davies teenage(?) girl from Kaitoke
583. Davis 21st
584. E. Davies; young woman
585. David Lott / Marie Davies wedding; in 240B
586. Davis/Hoskins wedding
587. Davis/Martin wedding
588. Police station; medals
589. Dawn Garments property, Lower Hutt
590. Dawn Garments Queen Street property
591. Dawn Garments netball
592. Day;2 small girls
593. Day; small girl, baby girl
594. James Dennis Dempsey; baby
595. Copied Guide and Scout pictures
596. Ray Donald
597. Douglas baby boy and mother
598. Nicholas Duncan/Judith Ann Thompson wedding; in 172B
599. Doyle boy and girl 5?
600. Dunlop machinery part
601. machinery pictures taken for Dunlop chief engineer Harry Jack
602. Dunlop factory interiors
603. Dunlop first aid certificates
604. Dunlop; gear with broken tooth
605. Dunlop; Pirelli T4 radial-tyre assembly machine’s drive assembly
606. Dunlop broken part from McNeil truck-tyre press
607. Dunlop machinery details
608. Dunlop Bag-o-Matic press and 4-roll calender
609. Dunlop carbon black
610. Dunlop Christmas party
611. Dunlop; Spadone bias cutter details
612. Dunlop; visiting Maori group
613. Dunlop; head of a tread extruder
614. Dunlop; George Thomas manager farewell
615. Dunlops factory visit; Sir Bernard Fergusson
616. Dunlops children's Christmas party
617. Dry engagement
618. Dudley ballet small girl
619. Duncan Cup Te Marua golf; at Manor Park club?
620. Duncan Nicholas Duncan/Judith Ann Thompson
621. Dutton baby girl and parents
622. Eadie 2 boys
623. Eadie boy
624. Eason; 2 boys, baby girl
625. Eason; 2 boys, 2 girls
626. David Edhouse 21st; colour negative of Celia Edhouse and her mother, Ivy.
627. James Edwards / Elizabeth Cook wedding
628. Edwards baby boy and girl; and bicycle prizewinner, at Provincial Hotel
629. Evans drapery interiors
630. Evans; 2 mature couples in garden
631. Jo Feickert exteriors
632. Felton baby girl and mother
633. Fergusson Intermediate School Maori group
634. Fesche parachuting trophy
635. Fesche two parachuting trophies
636. Fesche farewell to Gayle
637. Fesche engagement
638. Fletcher/Green family
639. Fletcher baby boy
640. Floral art
641. Floral art 13/3/68
642. Floral art 1970
643. Floral art Lower Hutt
644. Floral Art Muriel de Stefano, Gloria Garlick’s winning entry
645. Floral Art
646. Forrest boy, girl
647. The Fourmyula passports; five men
648. The Fourmyula group in Lower Hutt
649. Foster debutante
650. Foster baby infant
651. Foster baby toddler
652. Buster Foster middle-aged
653. 4D new shop Queen Street
654. Fowlds wedding
655. Free young woman
656. Frost baby girl
657. Fry girl, teenage?
658. Fryer baby girl
659. Yvette Gabites and baby girl
660. Yvette Gabites second baby mother and two sisters
661. Gadd two small boys
662. Gardiner two small girls
663. Gasson, October same man as 664
664. Gaston: Jim Gasson?
665. General Motors Christmas party Trentham Racecourse
666. General Motors; Brace farewell
667. Gethings Motors Chrysler car
668. Hedley Gibson family
669. Gibson baby boy
670. Gibson children boy,girl
671. L. Gilbert; young woman
672. D. Gilchrist, Rotarian
673. Gibson wedding Leonard Moore, Denise Gifkins
674. Glasgow baby; parents(?)
675. Good Samaritans Hapai clubrooms
676. Paul Murray / Elaine Good engagement
677. Rodney Jones / Janice Marie Good wedding
678. Paul Murray / Elaine Good wedding
679. Goodwin; 3 boys
680. Jim Grant twins teenage(?) boy, girl
681. Knox Grant; children at play
682. Knox Grant children and family
683. Bob Gray husband
684. Jenny Gray wife (Judith? no Jenny in electoral rolls)
685. Gregory baby girl
686. Pitsa Greek girl teenage?
687. Gregory baby girl
688. Bob Gray
689. Griffiths family
690. Grubi solicitors; damaged bike
691. Grubi solicitors; saw bench accident?
692. Roger John Guinness / Glenda Florence Larkin wedding
693. Van der Gulik baby
694. Guppy elderly man
695. Merv Guy printed clothing labels
696. Gymnastics school display/prizegiving
697. Ward? / Hall wedding
698. Hall; small boy
699. Hall 3 small girls
700. Hanson heating
701. Hardie infant boys
702. Harland's teenage daughter; mixed groups
703. Harris teenage boy, girl
704. Beryl Harwood daughters
705. Catherine Haxton / Neville Cole wedding
706. John Haxton / Jenyfer Graham wedding
707. Hazelwoods 4 Square Gordon Hook; won 4 Square scholarship
708. Hazelwoods, Father Christmas 1966 No. 3
709. Hazelwoods, Father Christmas 1966 No. 2
710. Hazelwoods women’s day/fancy dress
711. Hazelwoods Father Christmas cave
712. Hazelwoods Father Christmas arrival 1966
713. Hazelwoods Father Christmas 1969
714. Hazelwoods Sky High limerick prize winners; Butler aeroplane
715. Hazelwoods display menswear department
716. Hazelwoods school uniforms householder
717. Hazelwoods spring fashions
718. Hazelwoods front store
719. Hazelwoods women’s day 1968, shots of interior
720. Hazelwoods tools
721. Hazelwoods wine and cheese
722. Hazelwoods cave 1968
723. Hazelwoods Father Christmas 1966 No. 1
724. Hazelwoods Father Christmas 1968
725. Hazelwoods Father Christmas 1966 cave No. 43
726. Hazelwoods Father Christmas 1966 cave No. 53
727. Hazelwoods cave Wednesday 20 1967
728. Hazelwoods bride of the year competition
729. Hazelwoods wine and cheese; Diplomat suits; 2 views of Woolworths
730. Hazelwood or STC; unknown man
731. Hedges boy, 2 girls
732. Henry young couple
733. Heturaka or Hetoraka baby girl
734. Hewitt 2 girls, boy
735. Heginbotham teenage girl
736. Hini and Harrison babies
737. Higgins-O’Styke wedding
738. Home of Compassion - Pia
739. Horner twins graduation gowns
740. J. S. Hopper Ltd. Dorothy Gray ‘dotty’ lipstick-name promotion surfboard and umbrella
741. Horsfall traffic safety classes, Upper Hutt College
742. Hosie probably Julie; to A. Sunkel engagement
743. Old house Main Road
744. Houses nearing completion
745. B Christie’s farm
746. Johansen house
747. Houses nearing completion
748. Rambler Rebel taxi(?)
749. Howard Real Estate; presentation of cake to Earl Billington, Olivia Dickinson
750. Howard Real Estate houses
751. Howland/Fogarty wedding
752. Carol? Hoskin/g/s? wedding
753. Hulbert family
754. Hutcheson baby
755. Hutt Valley Boys Choir at Wellington railway station
756. I’Anson parents and infant son
757. Iggulden; one child, one fashion model on catwalk
758. Jackson 3 kids
759. James family
760. Terry Jarvis
761. Jane's baby; also Rebecca McLellan on pony, with mother Lynne
762. Jaycees John Kramer and Stewart Beatson?
763. Jaycee better driving contest
764. Jaycees colour competition winners; Ian Pearless/Vance Vivian interior; an auction?
765. Joy Margaret Johnson / Colin Piper wedding
766. Neil Johansen City Engineer farewell
767. Johnson baby girl
768. Johnson 21st
769. Harry Jones boat built in concrete
770. Jones portrait young woman
771. Tom Jones Venturer Scout
772. Copies. vignetted portraits , man and woman
773. Jurisich(?) wedding
774. Jurisich(?) wedding
775. Bev(erley) and Judith Jury 21st; twins
776. Katene young woman
777. John Brabant / Winsome G. Kaye wedding
778. Views from Haywards area
779. Views from Haywards area
780. Views from Haywards area
781. Views from Haywards area
782. James Dempsey / Denise Kelly wedding
783. Kelly wedding not Kelly / Dempsey or Jackson / Kelly
784. Kelton wedding
785. Kinsmans at "home"
786. Peter Klocek and Hiller H-12 helicopter
787. Knowles wedding
788. Promotional Assn, quiz 1969, winner, others
789. Laurie golden wedding
790. Laurie 21st
791. Fergusson Intermediate uniforms; Colin Bayliss back from America; unidentified man; 3 unidentified women
792. Promotional Assn quiz competition
793. King and Benton on tandem. Maloney children collecting bottles
794. Hard of Hearing club concert; Susan Venning high jump and primary school sports.
795. Brentwood School CORSO donation; Plunket; Kirsty Northcote Bade; Art Club lithography demonstration
796. Clarke women; Richard McConnell, Heretaunga Dux; Upper Hutt School learners’ pool opening
797. Silver Plough. Harland ‘Maori’ souvenirs
798. Stevenson soft toys at St Hilda’s; Keith Jolly Hazelwoods travel charter; David McGill back from Japan; Jaycee group going to Australia
799. Braille (Brian) Rotoract
800. Miss NZ , King boy with cat; Rugby curtain raiser players; Upper Hutt School CORSO Peggy squares
801. Boy with cup
802. Leader Heathcote White portraits
803. Central Institute of Technology science building site
804. Totara Lodge mannequins
805. Rotary sales personality competition; Hapai Club 8th birthday
806. Copy; telephone exchange
807. St John's Ambulance Pryor Heart Foundation Week
808. De La Haye models; roses show; Roy Wales gardens, Boys’ Brigade display
809. Reilly children and dog; St Joseph’s orphanage picnic; Rotary ‘Operation 21’ hat
810. Upper Hutt College gym under construction; Taylor shoe store section Geange Street
811. State Housing area
812. Bird show
813. House Queen Street demolition
814. Hazelwoods NAC trip winner; Upper Hutt College bazaar group
815. River Board cutting a diversion; Girdlestone dog show
816. Dean Lee wrestler
817. Lee Robert young man, woman
818. Leahy Sava-Dollar supermarket
819. Leper sister passport
820. Leper sisters
821. Boys’ Brigade 8th annual display
822. Lions Club Upper Hutt meal and presentation
823. Moonshine hazardous road
824. Murray Sutton / Annette MacDonald wedding
825. Maidstone Mall, ‘Society Jazzmen’, Red Cross, magician, James Smith?, Jewellery
826. Maidstone Mall, Traffic Transport Dept display
827. Maymorn fancy dress group.
828. Maidstone baths
829. Maidstone Mall, Peter and the Wolf
830. Maidstone Mall, puppets and balloons
831. Maidstone Mall; bicycle winner
832. Maidstone Mall May Army engineers; electric car; singer Lou Clauson; ‘Storytime’ children; Scouts
833. Maidstone baths heat pump fund-raising
834. Mark and Wood estate Janzee ? house
835. Marsden/Brabant wedding
836. Martin two small girls
837. Tony Mason, car and friends; 21st?
838. Matich girl at piano
839. Maymorn kindergarten
840. Janet Marion Milne / Brian Coslett wedding
841. Mrs Moir, Hallensteins
842. T Moon 21st
843. Upper Hutt civic centre under construction; Geange Street shops
844. Paliser Astral Towers and Woolworth’s
845. Leo Quinn – Golf
846. Newbury woman
847. Peter Owles chemist; stainlesss-steel razor blade display
848. Boy Scouts first-aid classes
849. Parry, debutante
850. Play centre; former church
851. George Peters, Felt and Textiles
852. Peters family
853. Philips radio
854. Picard knitwear factory, Ward Street
855. Pinehaven Scout den, new floor and groups
856. Potter 2 small boys
857. Power Board cooking demo Maidstone Mall
858. Riley SPCA woman and dog;
859. Quiz girls Christmas carnival float
860. Dani/Dave? Ranui engagement
861. Red Cross crutches Pinehaven section
862. Red cross June, CORSO clothes drive
863. Red Cross exams, Upper Hutt City Council civil defence
864. Heretaunga Players - ‘The American Dream’ / ‘The Dumb Waiter’
865. Heretaunga Players - ‘The Good Old Days’
866. Heretaunga Players - ‘The Real Inspector Hound’
867. Heretaunga Players - ‘Justice’
868. RSA pensioner flats
869. RSA opening stage 1
870. RSA long-service certificates
871. RSA netball
872. RSA ball 1973
873. Rifle club Collins Shield; first time won
874. Rifle club social
875. Rifle club
876. Rifle club Collins Shield retained
877. Wayne Roberts 21st,
878. Ross toy or gift shop
879. Rosson’s Snowdrift Laundry
880. Rotary Exchange portraits/passports?
881. Rotary change-over night
882. Rugby team under 19
883. Rugby club – Keith (?) Griffin
884. Rugby boys’ dinner
885. Rugby training Anzac Day
886. Rugby League, King Maymorn, (Harrison farewell)
887. Ryan 21st
888. Mrs Ryan, tele-ad; pictured with a phone
889. St Hilda's old hall demolition
890. St Andrew’s new manse
891. St John baby boy
892. Misson week group; St John’s?
893. St Catherine’s and new St Joseph’s churches
894. St Josephs scholarship; girl, 3 boys
895. Holy Communion candids
896. St Josephs dance
897. Salisbury copy; couple
898. Salisbury chicken farm presentations after merger with General Foods
899. Sava-Dollar opening
900. Sava-Dollar staff
901. Save the Children, Totara Lodge
902. Savage Cres kindergarten, Xmas
903. Scaife small girl
904. Scholes; heron in tree
905. School patrol party
906. Marilyn Scott 21st
907. Scottish Society ball
908. Scouts raft race
909. Selby 2 small boys
910. Mary Shannon passport
911. Shannon 21st
912. Shaw group of 3
913. Shelly Motors, A&P show; Volkswagen dealers
914. Schrader - holy communion
915. Josef Siftar daughter’s visit from overseas
916. Silverstream kindergarten baby competition
917. Silverstream Plunket fancy dress
918. Silver plough
919. Silver aka Silva, wrestler; copy
920. Sims family Tom, Geraldine, 3 children
921. Sims baby, sitting girl
922. Sims baby boy
923. Sims baby
924. Neville Sceats
925. Smiley 2 boys, baby girl
926. Mark Ihaia-Elaine Smith wedding
927. Mark Ihaia-Elaine Smith engagement
928. James Smiths under-garments parade
929. James Smiths. James farewell
930. James Smiths Father Christmas
931. James Smiths promotions Red Light, Treasure Chest; toilet demo(?) bathroom fashions on parade catwalk; power boats in the mall
932. James Smith Father Christmases; inflatable
933. James Smiths cooking demo
934. James Smiths cooking demonstrator June Phillips
935. Social Credit get-together
936. Standard Telephones and Cables; operators at work
937. Standard Telephones and Cables large charger
938. STC telephone exchange 35 Standard Telephones and Cables
939. Stence debutante Stenhouse or Stent?
940. Stevens or Stevenson young woman
941. Stewart woman
942. Stuart engagement; Snow White with eight dwarves, Fraser Crescent school
943. Ailsa Tanner‘s son
944. Tasman golf tourney
945. Old woman; probably Mrs Tauber
946. Taylor family group and Taylor House, Geange Street
947. Tiger Taylor
948. Taylor wrestler
949. Tasman Vaccine Laboratories; people working at benches
950. Tasman Vaccine Laboratories serum samples; copy
951. Tasman Vaccine Laboratories; Mr Moxham
952. Tasman Vaccine Laboratories; group outside offices
953. Te Marua golf club; winning team, pennant matches
954. Te Marua golf team B grade ladies
955. Te Marua golf course views
956. Te Marua social, Plateau school, at Kaitoke
957. Te Kira, baby girl
958. Thomson man, academic hood and gown
959. Thompson house floral arrangement group coffee party
960. Thorner boy, small girl
961. Television Installation and Service Company) technician
962. Anemometer; Len Tomlin or his son Dave; watchmakers
963. Toon baby boy
964. Topine woman; Te Puni?
965. Turner boy, two girls
966. Turvey baby girl, mother
967. Turvey
968. Civic Centre site
969. House with 2 wrecked cars/shells
970. Closeups of house framing; floors and walls
971. Abandoned wooden factory building?
972. Eyesores infringing by-laws?
973. Fergusson Drive; houses west of Exchange Street
974. Views of city also, unscanned, couple dancing; man with large Rotary badge
975. General/good views Upper Hutt
976. Civic centre area
977. Upper Hutt pipe band
978. Upper Hutt College form groups 1970
979. Upper Hutt College August '71, top teams
980. Upper Hutt College sports teams October 1971
981. Upper Hutt College; bicycle problems?
982. Upper Hutt College form groups 1971
983. V V or U V fancy dress at the Jacksons’?
984. Upper Hutt swimming club; man, 6 swimmers with trophies
985. Upper Hutt swimming clubs sports
986. Swimming club cups
987. Swimming club (heater) day
988. Upper Hutt Swimming prize giving
989. Valentine family boy, 3 girls
990. Van der Gulik family
991. Van Ommering (?) 2 girls
992. Veal J C young man
993. Van Wyngarten(?) baby
994. Visser small girl
995. Visser mother, 2 girls, boy
996. Carel and Cornelia Voorthuyen copy
997. Roy Wales nursery
998. Roy Wales nursery
999. Gran Walker, B W V
1000. Walker baby boy
1001. Waikari teenage girl
1002. Ward; two teenage girls
1003. Water polo Bill Bol
1004. Watts 4 small boys, girl
1005. Miss Watt: debutante?
1006. Weatherall schoolgirl
1007. Weatherall older girl
1008. Webster wedding
1009. Weightlifting and Ju Jitsu
1010. Wellington golf club ball
1011. Wellington golf club ball
1012. Wellington golf club ball
1013 White (cap and gown)
1014. Art group exhibition, Upper Hutt College, and gymnast on high bar
1015. Whittaker; 5 children in garden and in house
1016. Whitehead young woman
1017. Whiteman schoolboys, baby girl
1018. Royce Wiffen engagement
1019. Wylie taxi 1967 Rambler Rebel
1020. Wilkins family
1021. Williams family
1022. Williams family
1023. Williams family
1024. Williamson boy, girl
1025. Williamson ballet girl in tutu
1026. Willaimson Jefferies Mr Elm
1027. Eric Woods panelbeater - Morris wreck
1028. Eric Woods panelbeaterwrecked van
1029. Woolworths; Mr Murtagh(?)
1030. Woolworths checkers individual portraits
1031. Woolworths interiors
1031A. Woolworths freezer
1032. Woolworthsunidentified woman
1033. Woolworths 2nd staff portraits
1034. Woolworths grocery
1035. Woolworths display cabinets
1036. Woolworths checkers, in uniform
1037. Woolworths delicatessen?
1038. Woolworths food display
1039. Woolworths frying pans to staff?
1040. Woolworths Edmonds display
1041. Woolworths Top 40 presentation; manager at left?
1042. Woolworths checkers, in uniform
1043. Woolworths checkers of the year competition, 1966
1044. Woolworths - Drake 20yrs and refreshment counter
1045. Woolworths meat cabinets
1046. Dave Tomlin local jeweller cup
1047. Young Farmers; award presentation
1048. Youth club dance, Rugby Club gym
1049. Vyngarten (?); 3 girls, smaller boy
1050. Zammit birthday party
1051. Copies ; large group; 2 people, barefoot
1052. Upper Hutt views 1967
1053. John Ward antique sale, new rooms
1054. Harris copies; woman and adult daughters, and seven cheese workers
1055. McDonald-Sutton wedding
1056. Provincial Hotel copy
1057. Totara Park aerial view copy
1058. House Seddon Street, Naenae and demolition of Rugby Club gym
1059. Wilford house
1060. Robinson-Orlowski wedding; 2 copies
1061. College or similar building; copy
1062. Harcourt Estate Fairlie
1063. STC Printed circuit
1064. Trentham Park family day poster; copy
1065. Rugby team, 3B, 1959; copy
1066. Wellington Dairy Farmers' Co-operative Asssociation copy negatives
1067. Elaborate map of England and Wales; copy
1068. Whiteman’s Valley cheese factory copy
1069. Tracey Watson Highland dancer; McLellan ancestors(?) mother and daughter; copies
1070. Featherston military camp panorama copies
1071. Upper Hutt College, deceased teacher; copy
1072. Provincial Tavern with Santa on pony cart; copy
1073. Heretaunga Golf Club entrance, 1911; copy
1074. Copies; Town Board office; Waldegrave Park estate; Upper Hutt from Maidstone; McCurdy family members
1075. RSA extension awards ceremony
The folllowing envelopes had been scanned as part of the P1-series of images, and were re-numbered .
1076. RSA Australian tour
1077. RSA long service medals
1078. Wellington Dairy Farmers' Co-operative Asssociation directors
1081. Cup presented to first baby born in the city
1082. 3 sheets of unknown groups; 4 different images copied;
1083. Upper Hutt from hill near Kashmir Avenue
Negatives from the following were used to produce exhibition prints; they have been returned to the envelopes containing the rest of the original films.
1079. RSA committee
1084. City status
1086. City status
1087. City status. Red Cross float
1088. City status. Boys’ Brigade
1089. City status. Governor-General
1090. City status. Rotary Float
1091. City status. Vintage cars
1092. Youth Club
1094. Carnival night Xmas
1121. Red Cross junior group
Negatives in the following envelopes were used to produce exhibition prints; they have not so far been matched to the original films
1079. Catholic Women’s League singing group
1102. Two fathers and children
1106. Guests at STC social
1115. Athol Neighbours, projectionist; Majestic Theatre closing
1122. Farmers; T. Hawkes, Dick Bradley, Ian Andrews at Rotary farmers' luncheon
1127. Fancy Dress, Maymorn hall Xmas ‘52
1129. St Joseph’s School hall demolition
Images originally exhibited in 1998, and again in 2000.
Numbers are those allocated in the 1998-2000 visitors' book; for details, refer to the full listing of the accession.
A & P show; 104
A & P Society ball/s; 51, 60, 61
Art Club; 106
Bank of New Zealand; 94
Cains Motors; 113
Catholic Women’s League simnging group; 9
Christmas carnival quiz; 63
City status; first baby, Jane Scobie; 32
City status; miscellaneous scenes; 71, 72
City-status processsion; 20, 22-25, 27, 29-31
City-status proclamation; 21, 28, 176
Civic ball/s; 26, 37
Cottle Kindergarten wine and cheese; 58
Cricket, Maidstone Park; 147
Dance championship; 44, 56,
Dawn Garments ball; 46, 49
Decimal training; 118A, B
Fancy dress ball, 5 colleges combined; 53, 55
Farmers’ luncheon; 139
Fire, Wallaceville hill; 122
Golf club ball; 35
Hapai Club; 95
Hazelwoods people; 62, 64, 65, 66, 158
Hazelwoods fancy dress; 165, 171
Heretaunga Players; 163, 167
The ‘Hi-Lites’ band; 52
Jackson family and friends; 99-101, 103, 143, 144, 151, 152, 165A
Jaycee people; 112
St Joseph’s cchurch; 128, 129
St Joseph’s school; 132
St Joseph’sSchool choir; 115
Kent, Harry; 84
Kindergarten ball; 159, 161, 164
Labour groupm eeting; 160
Maidstone memorial Swimming Baths;85, 86
Main Street views; 73-76, 138, 146
Majestic Theatre closing; projectionist; 125
Mangaroa station, decorated for royal visit; 79, 149
Mary Ann McCurdy, 100; 150
Martin diamond wedding; 154
Menzies; Ted and Nan, with grandson; 162
Ministry of Works ball; 153
Morgan, Tony; people at 21st; 157, 172
‘Moving Folk’ group; 39
Orphanage outing; 135
Quinn family (Leo and Noelene’s); 126
Quinn’s Post events; 91, 123, 124, 156, 169
Plateau School social; 43, 45, 48, 54
Plunket fahion parade, RSA; 59
Railway ststion; 77
Red Cross; 89, 90
Rimutaka tunnel; 78
Roads Board group with mayor; 134
Rotary Chinese dinner-dance; 3, 36, 38
Rotary; Christmas-trees; 1
Rotary people; 2, 5, 131, 132, 142
Rotary/Heretaunga College speech competition; 6
Rugby; 81, 82, 83
RSA ball; 15, 33, 42
RSA Christmas social; 140
RSA dawn parade; 12. 145
RSA opening; 10, 17, 18, 19, 168, 170
RSA people; 4, 16
RSA widows’ Christmas party; 8, 13, 14, 98
Saint Hilda’s church; 97
Silver Plough; cildren on tractor; 105
Silverstream plunket fancy dress; 92
Silverstream School lamb; 102
South African war veterans’ reunion; 7, 11
Spinning club;107
Standard Telephones and Cables social; 47, 137?
Tandem and riders; 88
Tasman Vaccine Laboratories concrete pour; 67-69
Te Marua golf club; 111
Totara Park; 70, 108, 109
Traffic arden children’s party; 110
Upper Hutt College; 96
Upper Hutt seen from surrounding hills; 120
Uooer Hutt School centenary; 173-175
Wahine storm damage; 116, 117
Tracy Watson, Highland dancer; 87
Whataroa,Westland, school group with mayor; 114
Mrs Whiteman ; first subscriber to Civic Centre loan; 93
White’s Banquet Services staff; 133,141.
Woolworths; checkers competition audience; 119
Youth dance, Rugby gymnasium; 34, 41, 50
People at unidentified events; 40, 127
71 prints, added to the series exhibited in 1998 as ‘Photographs of Upper Hutt 1955-1975’ in the Community Gallery in a second exhibition in 2000; and two items from Revelle Jackson’s personal collection.
Numbers are those allocated in the 1998-2000 visitors' book; for details, refer to the full listing of the accession.
Items 72 and 73 were not part of the exhibition, and items 70, and 72 may not be Revelle Jackson’s work; 73 is not.
A & P shows; 11, 49.
Christmas carnival quiz; 14.
Consolidated Plastics dance; 23, 29, 43, 46, 47, 52, 71.
Cottle kindergarten wine and cheese party; 18, 56, 57, 66.
Dawn Garments ball; 21, 30, 39, 41, 42, 50, 51, 54, 55.
Fancy dress ball; five colleges combined; 12, 16, 20, 28, 35, 60, 61, 68.
Dunlop; first-aid certificates; 59.
Gayleen Brown Girl Guide, Queen’s Badge; 58
Hazelwoods;fancy dress, ‘overdraft kit’; 37, 38.
Maidstone Mall; bicycle winner; 67.
Quinn’s Post Christmas party; 13, 19, 22, 27, 32, 48, 53, 62.
RSA events; 24.
Rugby Club jubilee;-1-6, 9.
Rugby League ball/s; 17, 25, 31, 40, 65.
St Joseph’s church; 45
Teenage dance; 33, 34.
Tasman Vaccine Laboratories; pouring concrete; 64.
Upper Hutt views; 7, 8, 63, 69, 70, 72, 73.
Unrecognised events; 26 (Patersons), 36 (Roy Wale).
2018/2: Folder of 16 Misc photographic prints, some by Revelle Jackson, others by unknown photographers but printed by Jackson. Loc 5A Ref# P-M-03/01-P-M-03/10
Mr Jackson's negatives have been divided into two series - greyscale (A11/1) and colour negatives (A11/2).
In almost all cases the negatives are 57 x 57 mm, produced by Rolleiflex cameras, usually in multiples of 12; there are pairs or single negatives in each envelope; sometimes there are images taken on separate occasions. 100 x 125 mm sheet film was used when copying photographs and for special occasions , and there are some negatives 82 x 57 mm, and two glass plates. In many cases there are colour negatives taken at the same time as grey-scale; the envelope numbers have been cross-referenced.
Envelope markings are all in capitals; some letters are difficult to interpret; in particular, a K is written as an I joined to an inverted V, like a reversed N, and has been interpreted as a U and Y, among other possibilities. Gee was read as See. A McIntyre was misread as McPulize, Watson as Natoon, Glasgow as Glasoon, and Clark as Glaru; such misreadings survive on DVDs of scanned images.
Envelope titles are copied below:additions or corrections to the original markings are in brackets [].
Descriptions of contents, where bracketed [], may be limited to scanned content; there may be other things pictured. Name changes were made after checks against electoral rolls or ‘Upper Hutt Leader’ sources.
1. Army march past [6 scanned]
2. Dawn Garments[car park (3) and netball team; greyscale 590, 591] Scholes heron (greyscale 904); Jackson house [not scanned; Main Street from Queen’s Chambers]
3. Josie's cake for Irene; basketware; Woodley 23 Moonshine [5 basketware scanned]
4. Hutt Valley Boys' Choir [Wellington railway station; 2 scanned; greyscale 755]
5. Newman family group 2 girls, 2 boys [1 scanned]
6. Working Men's Club (print and negatives) [committee, Grosvenor Lounge?; 1 scanned]
7. Sound of Music [store; 3 scanned]
8. Ladidahs - colour (prints only) [2 scanned]
9. Whiteman family [2 grandparents, parents, girl, baby boy]
10. Dairy Board [Wellington Dairy Farmers' Co-operative Asssociation directors; 1 scanned]]
11. Hazelwoods; view of swing bridge [Maidstone pool; 5 views from hill above Kashmir Ave including 2 of Maoribank suspension bridge; 6 scanned]
12. City status (floats etc); Jane Armstrong; ambulance Quinn's Post; Quinn's Post - pony and trap [and two of proclamation ceremony, one of ambulance (?) funded by Quinn’s Post; 10 total scanned; greyscale 348]
13. Hazelwoods train; Maidstone Park; B [Bernice] Smart's painting [3 train pictures scanned]
14. Flora sculptures Feb 1969 [in pencil "Flora Kelton, daughter of Chapman-Taylor"; 4 scanned ]
15. Toad of Toad Hall [school production; 2 scanned]
16. Witt / Simpson [2 mature couples; not see in Graham Whitt, Carol Yvette Simpson wedding pictures; 2 scanned] Council Chambers; gardens [not scanned]
To reduce the size of the list, all earlier mistakes , cross-references and annotations have been removed from this listing, to reduce its size; the descriptions identify subjects, and little else.
1. Miss Aldworth Allworth on another envelope; Jocelyn Allwood added to electoral roll, 1972
2. Anderson-Beazley wedding greyscale, 227
3. Anderton wedding
4. Anthony 3 small boys
5. Ashford small girl
6. Ashford small girl
7. Avis wedding
8. Bradley 4 generations
9. Bignal wedding
11. Miss Canning; Mrs O’Hare’s son
12. Cawthorne-Wainui parents, adult son, daughter
13. Norman Cook- Heather Gray wedding
14. Cooke baby (Erin) girl
15. Corbett-Smith wedding
16. Cotton boy
17. Deans-Catchpole wedding
18. Rhys Burton-Stella De Stefano wedding
19. Dudley (Ballet) small girl, tutu
20. Dumper boy, girl
21. Nicholas Duncan-Judith Ann Thompson wedding
22. Edie small boy
23. Francois Colin Lily wedding
24. Free young woman
25. Leonard Moore, Denise Gifkins wedding
26. Goodwin mother and 3 boys
27. Jim Grant 2 young men
28. Harris; males of 4 generations
29. John Haxton / Jenyfer Graham wedding
30. Baths; Hazelwoods Maidstone pool
31. Hercocks grocery display
32. Hibbert baby girl
33. Hosie wedding Julie Hosie, A. Sunkel
34. Twin units backing onto south bank of Hutt River
35. Schoolboy rugby
36. Flora Kelton shield sculpture
37. Kelly
38. Leighton wedding
39. Mrs Lyons grave
40. McCracken groom?
41. McCutcheon; baby girl
42. Milne / Hallinan wedding
43. Mowat / Stone wedding
44. Wendy Nicholson portraits; one with mother Doris (mayor)
45. Wendy? Nicholson / FitzSimmons
46. Norman family
47. Norton family
48. P. Owles Pharmacy window display
49. Pearce / Stewart wedding
50. Philby / Law couple; studio
51. Plastroweld display; industries fair
52. Mr Pollitt; Munn family
53. Prince baby girl
54. Rennie wedding
55. Terry Ryan family
56. Sullivan (Epuni) family
57. Turvey family
58. Salisbury wedding
59. Dianne Patricia Smith / Gregory Martin Wale wedding
60. Stevenson or Stevens; young woman
61. Tapp / Gorrie wedding
62. Tasman Vaccine copy
63. Taylor debutante; small Roberts girl
64. Graham Taylor / Patricia Lucinsky wedding
65. Thomas (McIntyre / Denham 1966) wedding
66. Quinn's Post darts trophies
67. Trigg small boy
68. Helen Turner / Norman Cook wedding
69. U.H.? brass band civic centre; Dinah Maule baby boy
70. Watson wedding
71. Waikari young woman; McCracken wedding; Fergusson Intermediate Maori group
72. Miss Watt; 'Snow White' Fraser Crescent School
73. Webster wedding Reg. Office bride, groom, parents, home garden; greyscale 1008
74. Williamson child in tutu
75. Wikeley baby boy
76. Winter family, Moeraki Road
77. Winter (Moeraki Road) boy, girl
78. Woolworths opening interiors
79. Colin Abden and German Shepherd puppies
80. Colin Abden, German Shepherd and pups, greyscale 219; Bath; Parker
81. Colin Abden; kennels, German Shepherd, lap-dog; cattery building
82. Aboud family
83. Julianne Adams / Dennis Hall wedding
84. Alexander family
85. Armstrong baby girl
86. Alexander / Kidd wedding
87. Elizabeth Pearlene Baker / Kenneth Greig McDonald wedding
88. John Fletcher / Mary Bennett wedding
89. Bishop / Fitzgibbon wedding
90. Bitter Ends? Ladidahs audience Rugby Club gym
91. Blaney family
92. Bradley wedding
93. Briscoe debutante
94. Brown baby boy
95. Sandra Burch / Charles Alexander Potts wedding
96. Pamela Lyn Burton- Brown / James Andrew Jacques wedding; Lynne McLennan with Tascha
97. Cains wedding; Ken Rosson, Glennis Rosalie Cains
98. Young woman with baby in backpack?; Campbell family group, 4 generations
99. Cranke / West wedding
100. Cooley / Josephs wedding
101. RSA, Anzac Day King Street; Crossley twins
102. Angus Cruickshank / Jean Findlay wedding
103. De Vries family
104. James Edwards / Elizabeth Cook wedding
105. Fergusson Intermediate School uniforms
106. Fletcher baby boy, son of John and Mary
107. Floral art, Taita College; Lynne McLennan nee Jackson
108. Floral Art; Hobson / Howard 3 women in action
109. Frigidaire range and splashback
110. Glasgow couple
111. Bob Gray portrait
112. Roger John Guinness / Glenda Florence Larkin wedding
113. Hall small boy
114. A. Hamill / Heather Douglas wedding
115. Harris teenage boy, girl
116. Harris bagpiper
117. Hartley wedding
118. Jeff Head wedding
119. Jim Hosie (of Dominion Life) family portraits
120. Unidentified bungalow
121. Christie farm
122. Tasman Vaccine Laboratory display; scene by Salmond home swimming pool
123. Johnson supermarket display
124. Jones / Tyndale wedding
125. Jurisich? wedding
126. Winsome G. Kaye / Brabant wedding
127. Kelly young woman; Kelly bride on horse-drawn carriage
128. Riverside portrait of Mrs. King, Te Marua
129. Douglas John Shaw / Marion Lester wedding
130. McIlroy; teenage brother and sister?
131. Jill Manderson, debutante
132. Laurie Marshall, 2 small girls
133. Janet Marion Milne / Brian Coslett wedding
134. Milne boy, smaller girl; Plunket baby Henderson
135. Murray; 2 girls, smaller boy
136. Paul Murray / Elaine Good wedding
137. Denise O'Callaghan / Carl Sayer wedding; Mrs. Pink's Party Providers, St John’s hall set up for wedding
138. O'Hare baby girl
139. O'Keefe and Weddell; girl, 2 boys, school uniforms; Ford Falcon, black spaniel
140. Piper / Pearson wedding
141. Piper / Pearson wedding
142. Elsie Winifred Press / Wayne Donald wedding
143. Ralston wedding
144. Rifle club group with Collins Challenge Shield
145. Joy Rigarlsford / Richard John Berry wedding
146. Rink boy, 3?
147. Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Hudson; 2 girls, garden; 2 girls, smaller boy
148. Ryall boy, 2 girls
149. Alf Scholes race horse/s
150. Sedman wedding parents of bride and groom (?)
151. Mark Ihaia / Elaine Smith wedding
152. Tasman Vaccine Laboratory; charts
153. Taylor / Gredig wedding
154. Thompson house and interiors
155. Thomson and Davis young girl (also in a greyscale exhibition print); young man in hood and gown
156. John Thurston, Heretaunga College principal; oil painting
157. Turvey mother and two children
158. Van Ham wedding
159. Patricia Vare / William Baillie wedding
160. Grave Carel Hendrik van Voorthuysen grave and headstone; no greyscale
161. Walton baby
162. Second wedding, Mrs Hall? / Mr Ward?
163. Watts 2 boys, 3 smaller girls
164. Beverley Williams / Kenneth Cherry wedding
165. Carol Williams / David Frederick Livingstone wedding
166. Car towing Anthony Motors Crusader carava; car and trailer; male portrait; a building
(including envelopes originally missing, coming via accessions 377 and 391)
A typical shoot might use one or many 12-exposure films; a 21st birthday shoot or wedding could run to 7 or more and a civic ball to around 17. Films were cut into single negatives or pairs for filing, and placed in new or used envelopes; pieces were easily mixed. There were up to four different envelopes of negatives from one event, scattered through the collection; their contents have been moved to the first envelope-number found, and allocated A, B, C, . . . In some instances it made sense to sort the contents by subject; in other cases they have been left in the original groupings, as it would be a major exercise to reassemble each film, and even then, the order in which the films were shot would be guesswork.
Strings of capital letters indicate markings on films; they were applied by hand, so that negatives could be identified from proof sheets, where multiple negatives had been laid on a large sheet of photographic paper; such sheets were exposed to light under an enlarger, developed and shown to people wanting to purchase enlargements. Unfortunately, a row of negatives marked A1 to A12 often turned out to come from several different films, so that actual sequencing of the films from an event involved solving multiplejigsaw puzzles. Fortunately, most of the film used was Ilford, and marked 1 to 12 by the makers; and the position of the numbers, and the ‘Ilford fine grain FP3 (or4) panchromatic’ wording at each end, varied relative to the images; this helped identification of negatives from the same film.
The envelope markings are listed below, with alterations in brackets.
1. Aboud 1969 small boy, girl; other family pictures greyscale 502 and colour A264, 82
2. Anthony family group, 3 boys
3. Avery Rd. kindergarten. Coster 1968
4a Croll wedding Cowell double wedding?
4b Croll wedding Cowell?
5a Avery Rd kindergarten 1969
5b Avery Rd kindergarten 1969
6. Heathcote White concert. choirs.
7. Montgomery wedding Erin Elizabeth Montgomery, Trevor Walker
8. Ian Ross
9. Ian Ross; father, son, 2 daughters
10. Sullivan. Epuni; small boy, 2 girls
11. Cains family group pre-wedding
12. Parry baby boy
13. Papageorges baby Litsa 1st birthday
14. Parker baby girl
15. Litsa baby Papageorges girl
16. Crane wedding a second?
17. Parry mother and girl baby
18. Percival baby girl
19. Lints young woman
20. Jim MacFarlane father and son
21. Litsa Papageorge's christening
22. Samoan copies
23. Birkett baby girl
24. Kelly young woman
25. Graham Whitt, Carol Yvette Simpson wedding;
26. Kay debutante.
27. Jeff Head wedding
28. Laurie Whiteman 21st
29. Sudfelt / Davidson engagement
30. Watson wedding
31. Ralph Curny, Robyn Frater wedding
32. Kenneth Greig McDonald, Elizabeth Pearlene Baker wedding
33. R.S.A. ball 1972
34. Canning teenage girl
35. Campbell small boy, baby girl
36. Martin Armstrong Tiger Moth biplane, Ford Prefect car ca. 1950
37. Girl pianist and bird
38. Amy baby and mother
39. Rusty, cat.
40. Cat.
41. Boy and collie
42. Kathleen Ruck debutante.
43. B. Hoey 21st
44. Small baby girl
45. Boys' Brigade. Lower Hutt Town Hall. 50th anniversary
46. Magnus Motors Austin 1300
47. Morris Hill / Susan Green wedding
48. Mercer stainless steel mufflers
49. Cains Motors Ltd. Atlantic petrol.
50. Bryce baby boy, Mangaroa
51. Bedford baby boy
52. Beatson grandmother, parents, 4 boys
53. Bath group young woman, 3 young men
54. Hamlin 21st
55. Brown boy toddler
56. Dave Brown businessman
57. Men in Royal and Ancient Order of Buffaloes regalia
58. Kidd small boys, mother
59. Heathcote White. Alan, kitten
60. Heathcote White. kittens
61. Heathcote White cat ‘Rusty’?
62. Arbuthnot baby boy toddler, older girl
63. Dawson wedding
64. Morris Hill / Susan Green wedding moved to 47B
65. Heathcote White Animal Rescue children?
66. Brown baby boy
67. Freeman wedding, Civic Centre
68. Kelly wedding St Catherine’s; horse carriage
69. Bentley (gown) male graduate
70. Johnson 21st twins
71. ‘Miss Falcon’, Miss Upper Hutt contestant
72. Hosie wedding Julie Hosie, A. Sunkel
73. Bates 2 girls in school uniform; colour negatives
74. Horner wedding
75. Colin Williams / Christine Howard wedding
76. Hodson 21st
77. Piper / Pearson wedding
78. Dr Humphrey Rainey
79. Trevor Norton 21st
80. Glennis Rosalie Cains
81. Public Trust building, Gibbons St
82. Baby-seat designed by Marilyn Campbell
83. Bonica boys; toddler, baby
84. Moore baby girl
85. Alistair Campbell’s boy, 2 sisters
86. R. Bousfield; 2 small boys, father
87. Newman small boy, small girls, baby boy
88. McCarthy 2 girls
89. icol or Nicholl/s teenage girl
90. McCauley baby girl
91. Kenneth Greig McDonald / Elizabeth Pearlene Baker wedding; contents moved to 32C
92. Kenneth Greig McDonald / Elizabeth Pearlene Baker wedding; contents moved to 32B
93. William Bailey Baillie / Patricia Vare wedding
94. Armstrong wedding
95. Carol Ross 21st
96. Casson grandfather, mother, son, 5 girls
97. R. Bousfield small boy, baby girl
98. Man, hat, in garden
99. Silverstream baby competition
100. Ashford baby and girl (5?)
101. Nicol or Nicholl/s baby girl
102. Munday baby girl
103. Murray 2 girls, smaller boy
104. Medals good conduct Trentham
105. Coutts girl, 3 boys
106. S.T.C. Rectifier
107. Buddingh baby Burling?
108. Stewart / Milne wedding
109. Dunlop Kaiwharawhara
110. Boys’ Brigade. Rugby football
111. Baker house
112. Westbury toy shop frontage
113. Bryant baby girl in pram, Hazelwoods - Xmas
114. Hartley engagement wedding
115. Gillett 21st.
116. Ian Stimson, Yvonne Anderton wedding
117. Norman family
118. Norton;3 girls
119. Nunn; pre-school girl
120. O'Neill mother and baby
121. O'Hare baby girl
122. O'Neill girl and dog
123. Oliver; pre-school girl
124. O'Connor young man
125. Antoni and Hannah Mary Olszewski
126. Peter Owles Nivea window display
127. RSA building
128. Ross family, Pinehaven
129. Rosson baby girl
130. Ruck (Ruby) debutante, with family
131. Roberts baby girl
132. Roberts baby boy
133. Rugby Club Australian visit, 7 group
134. Styles – Heartbeat young woman with pony, colt
135. Peter Renshaw
136. Pond boy, girl; pre-school; twins?
137. Potter (2 children)
138. Professional ladies’Uniforms
139. Alison Prince/Mrs Harrison Prince 3 different children
140. A. Prince baby 2 children
141. Prouse boys; baby, toddler
142. Pryke family christening group
143. Quinn boy toddler
144. Quinn, (Leo) baby girl and boy
145. Pynenburg grandfather, parents, 3 boys, girl
146. Quirk, Eddie
147. Rainey, Dr (Trinity House) Main Street building
148. Clarry Nicol or Nicholl/s 21st
149. Needham engagement
150. Bogg wedding
151. Colin / Lily
152. Codyre 21st
153. Morris Hill Susan Green wedding; contents to 47C
154. McCracken wedding groom?
155. McCrae elderly woman
156. McIntyre
157. McKay (Allan) local vet and Rotarian
158. McKays Allan and young adult boy, girl
159. McKenzie baby girl
160. McLeod; 2 small boys
161. McNeil baby 2 girls
162. Manhart baby 2 girls
163. Markwood House (office of Mark & Wood Real Estate)
164. Mannequins at RSA
165. Houses photographed for Mark & Wood); one at 614 Main Rd
166. Marsden 21st
167. Maymorn Contractors’ ball (Ron Brough)
168. Moody; young woman
169. Pinks Party Providers cakes
170A. Prince baby girl
170B. A&P 1967 Croft beauty pageant
171. Douglas / Whitehead wedding
172. Nicholas Duncan / Judith Ann Thompson wedding
173. Graham Lucinsky / Patricia Taylor wedding
174. McCracken wedding
175. Ralton silver wedding
176. Kortink family
177. Ralph, Mrs Sandra, hairdresser
178. Ralph hairdresser's assistant
179. Randall, Randell or Randle
180. Red Coaches restaurant group
181. Ranstyne(?) family
182. Heretaunga Players play 'Miranda'
183. Roberts small girl
184. Carl Sayer, Denise O’Callaghan wedding
185. Scott / Auckram wedding
186. Matthew Sharpe, Beverley Hawker wedding
187. Smith (Ray) wedding
188. Trappett (Ron) Greytown Christmas 1972
189. Thompson 60th birthday
190. Todd 21st
191. Van der Ryk wedding; de Riet?
192. Wong 21st twins
193. Young 21st
194. G. E. Davidson / Beverley Morrison wedding
195. Warren Frater's 21st
196. Taylor debutante
197. Ken Rosson, Glennis Rosalie Cains wedding
198. Smith (Gavin) 2 boys
199. Avery kindergarten
200. BNZ Christmas displa; also includes staff photo
201. Cranke / West wedding
202. Marilyn Campbell baby sling
203. Clouston Park Rd. shops; close-ups of faults
204. Jones golden wedding
205. Quinn's Post views
206. Bayley baby girl, and mother
207. Animal Rescue Society photo competition
208. Tasman Vaccine Laboratory; laboratory interiors
209. Ashford birthday party
210. Bus shelter at Maymorn
211. Four shops near Pine Avenue
212. Birkett baby 2 girls
213. Birkett baby boy
214. Boersma family
215. Bond (girl) in fancy dress
216. Braddock baby boy
217. Beets baby
218. Bedford baby and boy
219. Colin Abden and dog kennels
220. Kemp 6 children and dog
221. McFarlane or McParland?; bursary winner
222. Kebbells or Keebles boy, 2 girls
223. Kaitoke Christmas social
224. Ian Stimson, Yvonne Anderton wedding; contents to 116 A-D
225. Julianne Adams, Dennis Hall wedding
226. Armstrong 21st
227. Beazley / Anderson wedding
228. Barnes, Paul (Lions Club cheque)
229. Birkett, E. R. man in cardigan
230. Bishop / FitzGibbon wedding
231. The Thwarting of Baron Bolligrew (school play)
232. James Smith manager Paul Brackley farewell
233. James and Pauline Brown 21st
234. Bruce / Harding wedding
235. Colin Miller wedding
236. Carson (dogs)
237. Charlesworth (Cats)
238. Sisters Connel (Catholic nuns)
239. Chiffney wedding
240. David Lott / Marie Davies wedding
241. A. Hamill / Heather Douglas wedding
242. Ron Gee wedding
243. Heathcote-White cats for Animal Rescue
244. A. Sunkel, Julie Hosie wedding; negatives, to 72A
245. Jan woman
246. Jarden young man
247. Kebbell or Keeble mother, children
248. Kindergarten (Ruru Street)
249. King family groups
250. King children
251. Krawcyzk or Taylor baby
252. Laing; 3 children
253. Laing baby
254. Laing baby girl
255. Laing grandmother, parents, boy, girl
256. Landers (debutante and mother)
257. Leckie debutantes
258. Lee baby boy
259. Lennon children
260. Leper sisters
261. Leper sisters September 1968
262. Douglas John Shaw / Marion Lester wedding
263. Douglas John Shaw / Marion Lester wedding
264. Maidstone Mall - fashion parade - James Smiths
265. Maidstone Mall - Traffic, James Smith, sewing competition, Mana Go-Kart, and Yacht Club
266. Maidstone Mall - Scottish country dancing, Datson Datsun/s?, and cooking
267. Maidstone Mall - Sunkist Orange
268. Maidstone Mall - Gethings, Wombles and Cathy passport
269. Martin; 4 small boys
270. Martin girl and golliwog
271. Martin 3 small boys
272. Helen Mathew
273. Matich concert
274. Matich choir / piano
275. Merv Max earthmoving machinery and trucks
276. Moar baby girl
277. Moody grandmother, parents, 2 boys, 2 girls
278. Moon / Keebles wedding
279. Mowat / Stone wedding
280. Phal (?) 21st
281. Piper / Macauley; wedding
282. Doors in Rosson house
283. Heretaunga Players ‘The Paragon’
284. Heretaunga Players - ‘Home is the Hunted’, ‘Among Those Present’, ‘A Phoenix Too Frequent’
285. Heretaunga Players – ‘The Magic Shoemaker’
286. Heretaunga Players – ‘The Man who Came to Dinner’
287. Heretaunga Players – The Man who Came to Dinner’ (missing?
288. Heretaunga Players - ‘The Piccadilly Bushman’
289. Heretaunga Players - ‘The American Dream’/’The Dumb Waiter’
290. Heretaunga Players – ‘New Clothes for the Emperor’
291. Heretaunga Players - ‘New Clothes for the Emperor’ rehearsal 1
292. Heretaunga Players - ‘New Clothes for the Emperor’ rehearsal 2
293. Heretaunga Players - ‘Little Boy Blue’
294. Heretaunga Players - 'The Bear’, ‘Trial by Jury’
295. Heretaunga Players - 'Major Barbara'
296. Heretaunga Players - 'Major Barbara'
297. Heretaunga Players - ‘The Thwarting of Baron Bolligrew’
298. Heretaunga Players -'Sweeney Todd' dress rehearsal
299. Repco building
300. Repco propeller shafts
301. Repco group photographs
302. RSA Anzac Day 1975
303. RSA opening of new building
304. Les Reynolds daughter
305. Alan Rhodes
306. Tom Rice / Duncan wedding
307. Richie White family
308. Rickard man
309. Rickard family
310. Joy Rigarlsford / Richard John Berry wedding
311. Riley woman; cap and gown
312. Ritchie-Marsden couple
313. Rosson 21st
314. Rugby gym; youth dance
315. Rugby gym; last dance
316. Rugby club; committee groups
317. Upper Hutt scenes for 1970 Rugby Club jubilee history
318. Rugby jubilee; decade groups
319. Rush mother, schoolgirl and boy
320. Ryall 2 girls, boy
321. Mr Salek, Repco
322. Matthew Sharpe / Beverley Hawker wedding; contents to 186B
323. Sanders family
324. Smith wedding; daughter of Alf Smith, plumber, Dunlop
325. Spratt / McMillan wedding
326. Stewart / Pearce wedding
327. Christine Tapp, E. Gorrie wedding
328. Christine Tapp, E. Gorrie wedding
329. Van der Togt wedding
330. Wallis 25th wedding anniversary331. Whiteman wedding
332. Beverley Williams / Kenneth Cherry wedding
333. Bath 21st
334. Civic Ball
335. Evon wedding
336. St. Catherine’s
337. Copies; 1, cats, rat; 2, NZ trout stamp; 3, halved; A; stamps;Japanese dog and Jeannette Ryder, founder of Cuban Band of Mercy; B, 2 pics of Russian space dogs
338. Duckett copies; St Joseph’s original church
339. Granger copy
340. Norman Kirk / Ron Bailey emergency tour, Wahine storm
341. Street views taken around 1965; St Joseph’s church under construction
342. Armistice Day; Civic Centre memorial
343. Totara Park opening
344. Totara Park bridge opening
345. Mangaroa halt decorated for royal visit
346. 1st baby Scobie city status
347. Lions’ orphanage trip; Whiteman house relocated for use by Heretaunga Players and Art Club
348. City status 1966
349. Te Marua golf club house opening
350. Hazelwoods Mrs Codyre’s ‘overdraft kit’
351. Catholic priests
352. Girls’ Brigade Johansson Queen’s badge
353. Te Marua school ball
354. Anthony Motors caravan exchange
355. Anthony Motors, caravans
356. Menzies parents, 3 adult daughters
357. Original Silverstream Post Office, spinning, Rotary Malaysian visitors
358. Red Cross groups juniors and seniors;fire, Wallaceville hill; building site near hills
359. Heretaunga Players, ‘Sweeney Todd’ studio pictures
360. Hazelwoods, travel bureau; extra ladies’ staff
361. Decimal training BNZ
362. Leo and Noelene Quinn; parents, 4 girls, 8 boys
363. Views Upper Hutt 1968
364. Heretaunga Players house on the move; Lions’ orphanage outing; Plateau cross country
365. Fire Wallaceville hill
366. Princess Parade; contestants
367. "Moving Folks" group
368. Rimutaka tunnel; unofficial opening
369. Highland dancer Tracey Watson
370. Heretaunga Players, Art Club - Old house before being moved from Martin St to Ward/Miro streets corner
371. Girls Brigade, seat to City Civic Centre
372. British Lions Rugby team and St Joseph's boys
373. Labour Party Heretaunga Women's Division 1975 Mrs Rowling present
374. Consolidated Plastics dance
375. Gayleen Brown Queen’s badge Guide
376. Anthony Motors caravans
377. Anthony Motors caravans
378. World Jaycee president’s visit
379. Rotary president’s party, St John’s hall
380. St John’s ambulance hall
381. Rugby club 1970 jubilee photos; to envelope 499
382. Anzac dawn parade 1969 at memorial pool
383. Jaycee World president visit. St John’s hall
384. Tasman Vaccine Laboratory concrete pouring
385. Rotary; mayoral city robes presented
386. RSA widows’ Christmas party
387. Marines’ RSA visit
388. Golf Club ball - Te Marua
389. Hazelwoods Dorothy Gray ‘Dotty’ cosmetics girls
390. Hazelwoods Father Christmas 67
391. Father Christmas 67
392. Hutchinson 21st
393. Quinns Post; Brian Faint’s stag night
394A. Mary Anne McCurdy 100th birthday
394B. Science prize winers; fireman; Hapai Club aprons; Baptist crusade;soft toy collection
395. Codyre daughter teenage/21
396. Maymorn school and break up
397. Mrs Morgan Woolworths decimal currency tutor?
398. Silverstream houses and general
399. Quinn family group
400. Trentham Memorial, Maidstone park, &c.
401. Quinns Post stag night? Not Brian Faint’s?
402. Quinns Post Christmas party Barton’s Bush
403. Borlase man 21st
404. Dunlop factory; visit by Sir Bernard Fergusson
405. Fire Brigade safety-hazard pictures
406. BNZ Christmas trees
407. Rotary; Chinese dinner-dance
408. Rotary; Rotoract; charter night
409. A&P Pet parade
410. Martin diamond wedding
411. Dunlops Christmas social
412. Teenage dance
413. Teenage dance
414. Upper Hutt views from water tower tank below Kingsley Heights
415. RSA Ball
416. St Joseph's Church; plaque listing persons buried in the former graveyard
417. Civic Ball; to 334C
418. St John’s hall fancy dress youth dance
419. Woolworths checkers of the year competition; 1967
420. Rotary exchange California passport photos?
421. Civil Defence groups; mostly school-girls
422. Leading Aircraftsman Tony Morgan 21st
423. Quinn's Post Guy Fawkes
424. Hedley Gibson BNZ manager cheque to mayor George Thomas
425. Hazelwoods Christmas calendar pictures
426. Hazelwoods individual staff members.
427. Hazelwoods Father Christmas arrival 1967, crippled boy
428. Hazelwoods wine and cheese evening
429. Hazelwoods family; 2 small girls and mother
430. Rugby League ball 1
431. Rugby League ball 2
432. Plunket ball 1
433. Mayoress Mrs Kidman and women’s group
434. RSA committee groups and individuals
435. Hazelwoods dress making and Woolworths painting competition winner
436. Hazelwoods tools displays
437. Hazelwoods, Helen Burgess, J. D. ‘Mac’ McMillan farewell
438. Hazelwoods social. Grosvenor Lounge, Geange Street
439. Hazelwoods make and model
440. Hazelwoods women's day 68
441. Hazelwoods decimal currency class; Alan Gibbs and bank manager, women’s group
442. Llass groups in front of old St Joseph's; also church on its own
443. Plunket ball 2
444. Jaycee group/s and portraits
445. Rugby League ball; in 431A
446. Rugby League ball; in 431B
447. RSPCA starving dog; Reilly
448. Plateau School social
449. St Joseph’s school; small groups
450. Hazelwoods staff women's day
451. RSA dawn parade 1970
452. RSA Ball, Civic Centre, 1972; in 32A
453. Civic ball 1972; in 334A
454. Bitter End band scanned, Dreamy Girl, Raceworthy unexplained
455. Rugby Club social 1970
456. RSA Christmas 1973
457. Civic Ball 1972; in 334D
458. RSA Christmas 1972
459. Swimming club carnival
460. Dunlops Vietnamese visit
461. RSA South Africa veterans‘ reunion; the last?
462. STC social Upper Hutt School
463. A&P Ball 1969
464. Civil Defence exercise; street scenes
465. A&P Ball 1967
466. RSA Ball, Civic Centre 1972; in 33C
467. Bitter End, Ladidahs; bands
468. Alan McKay veterinarian; Heretaunga Rotary president
469. David Edhouse ’s brother’s 21st
470. General Motors social St John’s hall
471. Goodman ballet school concert
472. Hapai Club 12th birthday May 1969
473. Kindergarten ball
474. Leper sisters; Red Cross Samoan relief fund collectors
475. Council donation from Whiteman Trust, Stuart Macaskill; portrait, Hapai building, Playcentre building. Neville Sceats, and traffic officer in Main Street.
476. Maidstone swim pool
477. Simon cat. Father Donaghue priest ordination, RSPCA Junior League, American woman,, Hitching couple 65 years; rider and movie cameraman
478. Leader Cricket, Alexander
479. St Joseph's orphanage, 2 sisters
480. St Joseph's communion 1970.
481. St Joseph's communion 1972
482. St Joseph's communion 1971
483. St Joseph's communion 1969
484. St Joseph's communion
485. Heretaunga College gymnastics, new cricket pavilion; swimming pool; bull and goose, Silverstream school formal.
486. Te Marua Brown Owl School group; Scout Robin Coutts; George Hopkins, 99
487. Dawn Garments ball
488. Heretaunga Players - ‘The Good Old Days’
489. Heretaunga Players - ‘Come As You Are’
490. Heretaunga Players; Hi Lites group
491. STC social
492. Dawn Garments party
493. Dawn Garments school visit
494. Dawn Garments factory opening
495. Dawn Garments Christmas party
496. Dawn Garments netball
497. Civic Centre topping off
498. St Joseph's Church nearing completion
499. Rugby Club jubilee 1970
500. The Graham Marcell Dance Orchestra
501. Rotary envelope not found
502. Aboud girl, smaller boy
503. A & P show
504. A & P ponies and general
505. Sister Aidan passport
506. Aitken; Te Marua accident
507. Scott Aitken 4 generations
508. Alexander make and model competition winner
509. Alexander 21st
510. Coral Alexander; young dressmaker/designer
511. Alexander mother of Coral and owner of House of Fleur
512. Allen baby boy
513. Allwood young woman; Allworth or Aldworth on envelopes
514. Anderton baby girl
515. Anderton 21st. (Rosina)
516. Ian Andrews
517. Animal rescue Joerlin (?)
518. Animal rescue stall in the Mall
519. Animal rescue; Beck Cup, St Brendan’s
520. Animal rescue, garden fete
521. Harry Kent with children and pigeons; Ivan Benge’s vintage car
522. Boy with dog. Haggerty
523. Dog show
524. 2 boys and dog
525.Copies; couple, stamps
526. Anthony Motors camper vans
527. Anthony grocer shop display
528. Taylor wedding, girls, girl and dog, Art Club Spanish do, Vance Vivian decoration.
529. Ashford small girl
530. Auction Mart building, Queen Street
531. Australia and New Zealand Bank building
532. Ballroom dancing group championship
533. Bank of New South Wales
534. Barry Feickert
535. Plunket fashion parade, RSA
536. Beatty engagement
537. John Fletcher / Mary Bennett wedding
538. Blaney parents seated, adult daughters
539. Boys Brigade 8th annual display
540. St Andrews Boys Brigade group
541. Dick Bradley
542. Julia Bradley
543. Gayle Briscoe, Jill Manderson, debutantes
544. Bernie Brown, folk singer
545. Pamela Lyn Burton-Brown / James Andrew Jacques wedding
546. Bull 21st
547. Raymond Morgan / Dianne Burrows wedding
548. Burton / Everingham wedding
549. Business Women's Association candle-light do
550. Glennis Rosalie Cains
551. Glennis Rosalie Cains 21st; also included; group outside ANZ Bank?
552. Caltex magnetic spinning tops; mayor Doris Nicholson at Red Cross awards function
553. Canning two teenage girls
554. Campbells; 4 generations
555. Carey baby boy
556. Carmichael family parents
557. Christmas 1968 carnival final Upper Hutt
558. Car trials
559. Cassidy baby girl, mother
560. George Chapman
561. Chilcott boy
562. Karen Clapp(?) nurses
563. Clark, lance-corporal
564. Clark copies; lawn bowler and radio ham
565. Clark (Anderton) baby boy
566. Clarke baby boy
567. Clothier golden wedding
568. Coe; 2 grandparents, parents, boy, 2 girls
569. Coffey Four Square grocer display
570. Caretaker St John’s. George Colello
571. Collins panelbeater accident case ; and studio photo of man
572. Collins panelbeater smash
573. Comesky 21st
574. Community Advisory Service Ron Bailey, M. P., mayor Doris Nicholson, 6 others
575. Consolidated Plastics factory – legal machine guarding?; also contains unidentified group outside ANZ Bank?
576. Cook magician
577. ‘Fourmyula’ record promotion; 2 girls in Beggs music shop and on street
578. Cottle kindergarten wine and cheese
579. Coulson; 2 small girls and mother/grandmother
580. Cross baby girl
581. Pat Dallas, young woman; Irmgard Ritchie kindergarten; pram guard
582. Davies teenage(?) girl from Kaitoke
583. Davis 21st
584. E. Davies; young woman
585. David Lott / Marie Davies wedding; in 240B
586. Davis/Hoskins wedding
587. Davis/Martin wedding
588. Police station; medals
589. Dawn Garments property, Lower Hutt
590. Dawn Garments Queen Street property
591. Dawn Garments netball
592. Day;2 small girls
593. Day; small girl, baby girl
594. James Dennis Dempsey; baby
595. Copied Guide and Scout pictures
596. Ray Donald
597. Douglas baby boy and mother
598. Nicholas Duncan/Judith Ann Thompson wedding; in 172B
599. Doyle boy and girl 5?
600. Dunlop machinery part
601. machinery pictures taken for Dunlop chief engineer Harry Jack
602. Dunlop factory interiors
603. Dunlop first aid certificates
604. Dunlop; gear with broken tooth
605. Dunlop; Pirelli T4 radial-tyre assembly machine’s drive assembly
606. Dunlop broken part from McNeil truck-tyre press
607. Dunlop machinery details
608. Dunlop Bag-o-Matic press and 4-roll calender
609. Dunlop carbon black
610. Dunlop Christmas party
611. Dunlop; Spadone bias cutter details
612. Dunlop; visiting Maori group
613. Dunlop; head of a tread extruder
614. Dunlop; George Thomas manager farewell
615. Dunlops factory visit; Sir Bernard Fergusson
616. Dunlops children's Christmas party
617. Dry engagement
618. Dudley ballet small girl
619. Duncan Cup Te Marua golf; at Manor Park club?
620. Duncan Nicholas Duncan/Judith Ann Thompson
621. Dutton baby girl and parents
622. Eadie 2 boys
623. Eadie boy
624. Eason; 2 boys, baby girl
625. Eason; 2 boys, 2 girls
626. David Edhouse 21st; colour negative of Celia Edhouse and her mother, Ivy.
627. James Edwards / Elizabeth Cook wedding
628. Edwards baby boy and girl; and bicycle prizewinner, at Provincial Hotel
629. Evans drapery interiors
630. Evans; 2 mature couples in garden
631. Jo Feickert exteriors
632. Felton baby girl and mother
633. Fergusson Intermediate School Maori group
634. Fesche parachuting trophy
635. Fesche two parachuting trophies
636. Fesche farewell to Gayle
637. Fesche engagement
638. Fletcher/Green family
639. Fletcher baby boy
640. Floral art
641. Floral art 13/3/68
642. Floral art 1970
643. Floral art Lower Hutt
644. Floral Art Muriel de Stefano, Gloria Garlick’s winning entry
645. Floral Art
646. Forrest boy, girl
647. The Fourmyula passports; five men
648. The Fourmyula group in Lower Hutt
649. Foster debutante
650. Foster baby infant
651. Foster baby toddler
652. Buster Foster middle-aged
653. 4D new shop Queen Street
654. Fowlds wedding
655. Free young woman
656. Frost baby girl
657. Fry girl, teenage?
658. Fryer baby girl
659. Yvette Gabites and baby girl
660. Yvette Gabites second baby mother and two sisters
661. Gadd two small boys
662. Gardiner two small girls
663. Gasson, October same man as 664
664. Gaston: Jim Gasson?
665. General Motors Christmas party Trentham Racecourse
666. General Motors; Brace farewell
667. Gethings Motors Chrysler car
668. Hedley Gibson family
669. Gibson baby boy
670. Gibson children boy,girl
671. L. Gilbert; young woman
672. D. Gilchrist, Rotarian
673. Gibson wedding Leonard Moore, Denise Gifkins
674. Glasgow baby; parents(?)
675. Good Samaritans Hapai clubrooms
676. Paul Murray / Elaine Good engagement
677. Rodney Jones / Janice Marie Good wedding
678. Paul Murray / Elaine Good wedding
679. Goodwin; 3 boys
680. Jim Grant twins teenage(?) boy, girl
681. Knox Grant; children at play
682. Knox Grant children and family
683. Bob Gray husband
684. Jenny Gray wife (Judith? no Jenny in electoral rolls)
685. Gregory baby girl
686. Pitsa Greek girl teenage?
687. Gregory baby girl
688. Bob Gray
689. Griffiths family
690. Grubi solicitors; damaged bike
691. Grubi solicitors; saw bench accident?
692. Roger John Guinness / Glenda Florence Larkin wedding
693. Van der Gulik baby
694. Guppy elderly man
695. Merv Guy printed clothing labels
696. Gymnastics school display/prizegiving
697. Ward? / Hall wedding
698. Hall; small boy
699. Hall 3 small girls
700. Hanson heating
701. Hardie infant boys
702. Harland's teenage daughter; mixed groups
703. Harris teenage boy, girl
704. Beryl Harwood daughters
705. Catherine Haxton / Neville Cole wedding
706. John Haxton / Jenyfer Graham wedding
707. Hazelwoods 4 Square Gordon Hook; won 4 Square scholarship
708. Hazelwoods, Father Christmas 1966 No. 3
709. Hazelwoods, Father Christmas 1966 No. 2
710. Hazelwoods women’s day/fancy dress
711. Hazelwoods Father Christmas cave
712. Hazelwoods Father Christmas arrival 1966
713. Hazelwoods Father Christmas 1969
714. Hazelwoods Sky High limerick prize winners; Butler aeroplane
715. Hazelwoods display menswear department
716. Hazelwoods school uniforms householder
717. Hazelwoods spring fashions
718. Hazelwoods front store
719. Hazelwoods women’s day 1968, shots of interior
720. Hazelwoods tools
721. Hazelwoods wine and cheese
722. Hazelwoods cave 1968
723. Hazelwoods Father Christmas 1966 No. 1
724. Hazelwoods Father Christmas 1968
725. Hazelwoods Father Christmas 1966 cave No. 43
726. Hazelwoods Father Christmas 1966 cave No. 53
727. Hazelwoods cave Wednesday 20 1967
728. Hazelwoods bride of the year competition
729. Hazelwoods wine and cheese; Diplomat suits; 2 views of Woolworths
730. Hazelwood or STC; unknown man
731. Hedges boy, 2 girls
732. Henry young couple
733. Heturaka or Hetoraka baby girl
734. Hewitt 2 girls, boy
735. Heginbotham teenage girl
736. Hini and Harrison babies
737. Higgins-O’Styke wedding
738. Home of Compassion - Pia
739. Horner twins graduation gowns
740. J. S. Hopper Ltd. Dorothy Gray ‘dotty’ lipstick-name promotion surfboard and umbrella
741. Horsfall traffic safety classes, Upper Hutt College
742. Hosie probably Julie; to A. Sunkel engagement
743. Old house Main Road
744. Houses nearing completion
745. B Christie’s farm
746. Johansen house
747. Houses nearing completion
748. Rambler Rebel taxi(?)
749. Howard Real Estate; presentation of cake to Earl Billington, Olivia Dickinson
750. Howard Real Estate houses
751. Howland/Fogarty wedding
752. Carol? Hoskin/g/s? wedding
753. Hulbert family
754. Hutcheson baby
755. Hutt Valley Boys Choir at Wellington railway station
756. I’Anson parents and infant son
757. Iggulden; one child, one fashion model on catwalk
758. Jackson 3 kids
759. James family
760. Terry Jarvis
761. Jane's baby; also Rebecca McLellan on pony, with mother Lynne
762. Jaycees John Kramer and Stewart Beatson?
763. Jaycee better driving contest
764. Jaycees colour competition winners; Ian Pearless/Vance Vivian interior; an auction?
765. Joy Margaret Johnson / Colin Piper wedding
766. Neil Johansen City Engineer farewell
767. Johnson baby girl
768. Johnson 21st
769. Harry Jones boat built in concrete
770. Jones portrait young woman
771. Tom Jones Venturer Scout
772. Copies. vignetted portraits , man and woman
773. Jurisich(?) wedding
774. Jurisich(?) wedding
775. Bev(erley) and Judith Jury 21st; twins
776. Katene young woman
777. John Brabant / Winsome G. Kaye wedding
778. Views from Haywards area
779. Views from Haywards area
780. Views from Haywards area
781. Views from Haywards area
782. James Dempsey / Denise Kelly wedding
783. Kelly wedding not Kelly / Dempsey or Jackson / Kelly
784. Kelton wedding
785. Kinsmans at "home"
786. Peter Klocek and Hiller H-12 helicopter
787. Knowles wedding
788. Promotional Assn, quiz 1969, winner, others
789. Laurie golden wedding
790. Laurie 21st
791. Fergusson Intermediate uniforms; Colin Bayliss back from America; unidentified man; 3 unidentified women
792. Promotional Assn quiz competition
793. King and Benton on tandem. Maloney children collecting bottles
794. Hard of Hearing club concert; Susan Venning high jump and primary school sports.
795. Brentwood School CORSO donation; Plunket; Kirsty Northcote Bade; Art Club lithography demonstration
796. Clarke women; Richard McConnell, Heretaunga Dux; Upper Hutt School learners’ pool opening
797. Silver Plough. Harland ‘Maori’ souvenirs
798. Stevenson soft toys at St Hilda’s; Keith Jolly Hazelwoods travel charter; David McGill back from Japan; Jaycee group going to Australia
799. Braille (Brian) Rotoract
800. Miss NZ , King boy with cat; Rugby curtain raiser players; Upper Hutt School CORSO Peggy squares
801. Boy with cup
802. Leader Heathcote White portraits
803. Central Institute of Technology science building site
804. Totara Lodge mannequins
805. Rotary sales personality competition; Hapai Club 8th birthday
806. Copy; telephone exchange
807. St John's Ambulance Pryor Heart Foundation Week
808. De La Haye models; roses show; Roy Wales gardens, Boys’ Brigade display
809. Reilly children and dog; St Joseph’s orphanage picnic; Rotary ‘Operation 21’ hat
810. Upper Hutt College gym under construction; Taylor shoe store section Geange Street
811. State Housing area
812. Bird show
813. House Queen Street demolition
814. Hazelwoods NAC trip winner; Upper Hutt College bazaar group
815. River Board cutting a diversion; Girdlestone dog show
816. Dean Lee wrestler
817. Lee Robert young man, woman
818. Leahy Sava-Dollar supermarket
819. Leper sister passport
820. Leper sisters
821. Boys’ Brigade 8th annual display
822. Lions Club Upper Hutt meal and presentation
823. Moonshine hazardous road
824. Murray Sutton / Annette MacDonald wedding
825. Maidstone Mall, ‘Society Jazzmen’, Red Cross, magician, James Smith?, Jewellery
826. Maidstone Mall, Traffic Transport Dept display
827. Maymorn fancy dress group.
828. Maidstone baths
829. Maidstone Mall, Peter and the Wolf
830. Maidstone Mall, puppets and balloons
831. Maidstone Mall; bicycle winner
832. Maidstone Mall May Army engineers; electric car; singer Lou Clauson; ‘Storytime’ children; Scouts
833. Maidstone baths heat pump fund-raising
834. Mark and Wood estate Janzee ? house
835. Marsden/Brabant wedding
836. Martin two small girls
837. Tony Mason, car and friends; 21st?
838. Matich girl at piano
839. Maymorn kindergarten
840. Janet Marion Milne / Brian Coslett wedding
841. Mrs Moir, Hallensteins
842. T Moon 21st
843. Upper Hutt civic centre under construction; Geange Street shops
844. Paliser Astral Towers and Woolworth’s
845. Leo Quinn – Golf
846. Newbury woman
847. Peter Owles chemist; stainlesss-steel razor blade display
848. Boy Scouts first-aid classes
849. Parry, debutante
850. Play centre; former church
851. George Peters, Felt and Textiles
852. Peters family
853. Philips radio
854. Picard knitwear factory, Ward Street
855. Pinehaven Scout den, new floor and groups
856. Potter 2 small boys
857. Power Board cooking demo Maidstone Mall
858. Riley SPCA woman and dog;
859. Quiz girls Christmas carnival float
860. Dani/Dave? Ranui engagement
861. Red Cross crutches Pinehaven section
862. Red cross June, CORSO clothes drive
863. Red Cross exams, Upper Hutt City Council civil defence
864. Heretaunga Players - ‘The American Dream’ / ‘The Dumb Waiter’
865. Heretaunga Players - ‘The Good Old Days’
866. Heretaunga Players - ‘The Real Inspector Hound’
867. Heretaunga Players - ‘Justice’
868. RSA pensioner flats
869. RSA opening stage 1
870. RSA long-service certificates
871. RSA netball
872. RSA ball 1973
873. Rifle club Collins Shield; first time won
874. Rifle club social
875. Rifle club
876. Rifle club Collins Shield retained
877. Wayne Roberts 21st,
878. Ross toy or gift shop
879. Rosson’s Snowdrift Laundry
880. Rotary Exchange portraits/passports?
881. Rotary change-over night
882. Rugby team under 19
883. Rugby club – Keith (?) Griffin
884. Rugby boys’ dinner
885. Rugby training Anzac Day
886. Rugby League, King Maymorn, (Harrison farewell)
887. Ryan 21st
888. Mrs Ryan, tele-ad; pictured with a phone
889. St Hilda's old hall demolition
890. St Andrew’s new manse
891. St John baby boy
892. Misson week group; St John’s?
893. St Catherine’s and new St Joseph’s churches
894. St Josephs scholarship; girl, 3 boys
895. Holy Communion candids
896. St Josephs dance
897. Salisbury copy; couple
898. Salisbury chicken farm presentations after merger with General Foods
899. Sava-Dollar opening
900. Sava-Dollar staff
901. Save the Children, Totara Lodge
902. Savage Cres kindergarten, Xmas
903. Scaife small girl
904. Scholes; heron in tree
905. School patrol party
906. Marilyn Scott 21st
907. Scottish Society ball
908. Scouts raft race
909. Selby 2 small boys
910. Mary Shannon passport
911. Shannon 21st
912. Shaw group of 3
913. Shelly Motors, A&P show; Volkswagen dealers
914. Schrader - holy communion
915. Josef Siftar daughter’s visit from overseas
916. Silverstream kindergarten baby competition
917. Silverstream Plunket fancy dress
918. Silver plough
919. Silver aka Silva, wrestler; copy
920. Sims family Tom, Geraldine, 3 children
921. Sims baby, sitting girl
922. Sims baby boy
923. Sims baby
924. Neville Sceats
925. Smiley 2 boys, baby girl
926. Mark Ihaia-Elaine Smith wedding
927. Mark Ihaia-Elaine Smith engagement
928. James Smiths under-garments parade
929. James Smiths. James farewell
930. James Smiths Father Christmas
931. James Smiths promotions Red Light, Treasure Chest; toilet demo(?) bathroom fashions on parade catwalk; power boats in the mall
932. James Smith Father Christmases; inflatable
933. James Smiths cooking demo
934. James Smiths cooking demonstrator June Phillips
935. Social Credit get-together
936. Standard Telephones and Cables; operators at work
937. Standard Telephones and Cables large charger
938. STC telephone exchange 35 Standard Telephones and Cables
939. Stence debutante Stenhouse or Stent?
940. Stevens or Stevenson young woman
941. Stewart woman
942. Stuart engagement; Snow White with eight dwarves, Fraser Crescent school
943. Ailsa Tanner‘s son
944. Tasman golf tourney
945. Old woman; probably Mrs Tauber
946. Taylor family group and Taylor House, Geange Street
947. Tiger Taylor
948. Taylor wrestler
949. Tasman Vaccine Laboratories; people working at benches
950. Tasman Vaccine Laboratories serum samples; copy
951. Tasman Vaccine Laboratories; Mr Moxham
952. Tasman Vaccine Laboratories; group outside offices
953. Te Marua golf club; winning team, pennant matches
954. Te Marua golf team B grade ladies
955. Te Marua golf course views
956. Te Marua social, Plateau school, at Kaitoke
957. Te Kira, baby girl
958. Thomson man, academic hood and gown
959. Thompson house floral arrangement group coffee party
960. Thorner boy, small girl
961. Television Installation and Service Company) technician
962. Anemometer; Len Tomlin or his son Dave; watchmakers
963. Toon baby boy
964. Topine woman; Te Puni?
965. Turner boy, two girls
966. Turvey baby girl, mother
967. Turvey
968. Civic Centre site
969. House with 2 wrecked cars/shells
970. Closeups of house framing; floors and walls
971. Abandoned wooden factory building?
972. Eyesores infringing by-laws?
973. Fergusson Drive; houses west of Exchange Street
974. Views of city also, unscanned, couple dancing; man with large Rotary badge
975. General/good views Upper Hutt
976. Civic centre area
977. Upper Hutt pipe band
978. Upper Hutt College form groups 1970
979. Upper Hutt College August '71, top teams
980. Upper Hutt College sports teams October 1971
981. Upper Hutt College; bicycle problems?
982. Upper Hutt College form groups 1971
983. V V or U V fancy dress at the Jacksons’?
984. Upper Hutt swimming club; man, 6 swimmers with trophies
985. Upper Hutt swimming clubs sports
986. Swimming club cups
987. Swimming club (heater) day
988. Upper Hutt Swimming prize giving
989. Valentine family boy, 3 girls
990. Van der Gulik family
991. Van Ommering (?) 2 girls
992. Veal J C young man
993. Van Wyngarten(?) baby
994. Visser small girl
995. Visser mother, 2 girls, boy
996. Carel and Cornelia Voorthuyen copy
997. Roy Wales nursery
998. Roy Wales nursery
999. Gran Walker, B W V
1000. Walker baby boy
1001. Waikari teenage girl
1002. Ward; two teenage girls
1003. Water polo Bill Bol
1004. Watts 4 small boys, girl
1005. Miss Watt: debutante?
1006. Weatherall schoolgirl
1007. Weatherall older girl
1008. Webster wedding
1009. Weightlifting and Ju Jitsu
1010. Wellington golf club ball
1011. Wellington golf club ball
1012. Wellington golf club ball
1013 White (cap and gown)
1014. Art group exhibition, Upper Hutt College, and gymnast on high bar
1015. Whittaker; 5 children in garden and in house
1016. Whitehead young woman
1017. Whiteman schoolboys, baby girl
1018. Royce Wiffen engagement
1019. Wylie taxi 1967 Rambler Rebel
1020. Wilkins family
1021. Williams family
1022. Williams family
1023. Williams family
1024. Williamson boy, girl
1025. Williamson ballet girl in tutu
1026. Willaimson Jefferies Mr Elm
1027. Eric Woods panelbeater - Morris wreck
1028. Eric Woods panelbeaterwrecked van
1029. Woolworths; Mr Murtagh(?)
1030. Woolworths checkers individual portraits
1031. Woolworths interiors
1031A. Woolworths freezer
1032. Woolworthsunidentified woman
1033. Woolworths 2nd staff portraits
1034. Woolworths grocery
1035. Woolworths display cabinets
1036. Woolworths checkers, in uniform
1037. Woolworths delicatessen?
1038. Woolworths food display
1039. Woolworths frying pans to staff?
1040. Woolworths Edmonds display
1041. Woolworths Top 40 presentation; manager at left?
1042. Woolworths checkers, in uniform
1043. Woolworths checkers of the year competition, 1966
1044. Woolworths - Drake 20yrs and refreshment counter
1045. Woolworths meat cabinets
1046. Dave Tomlin local jeweller cup
1047. Young Farmers; award presentation
1048. Youth club dance, Rugby Club gym
1049. Vyngarten (?); 3 girls, smaller boy
1050. Zammit birthday party
1051. Copies ; large group; 2 people, barefoot
1052. Upper Hutt views 1967
1053. John Ward antique sale, new rooms
1054. Harris copies; woman and adult daughters, and seven cheese workers
1055. McDonald-Sutton wedding
1056. Provincial Hotel copy
1057. Totara Park aerial view copy
1058. House Seddon Street, Naenae and demolition of Rugby Club gym
1059. Wilford house
1060. Robinson-Orlowski wedding; 2 copies
1061. College or similar building; copy
1062. Harcourt Estate Fairlie
1063. STC Printed circuit
1064. Trentham Park family day poster; copy
1065. Rugby team, 3B, 1959; copy
1066. Wellington Dairy Farmers' Co-operative Asssociation copy negatives
1067. Elaborate map of England and Wales; copy
1068. Whiteman’s Valley cheese factory copy
1069. Tracey Watson Highland dancer; McLellan ancestors(?) mother and daughter; copies
1070. Featherston military camp panorama copies
1071. Upper Hutt College, deceased teacher; copy
1072. Provincial Tavern with Santa on pony cart; copy
1073. Heretaunga Golf Club entrance, 1911; copy
1074. Copies; Town Board office; Waldegrave Park estate; Upper Hutt from Maidstone; McCurdy family members
1075. RSA extension awards ceremony
The folllowing envelopes had been scanned as part of the P1-series of images, and were re-numbered .
1076. RSA Australian tour
1077. RSA long service medals
1078. Wellington Dairy Farmers' Co-operative Asssociation directors
1081. Cup presented to first baby born in the city
1082. 3 sheets of unknown groups; 4 different images copied;
1083. Upper Hutt from hill near Kashmir Avenue
Negatives from the following were used to produce exhibition prints; they have been returned to the envelopes containing the rest of the original films.
1079. RSA committee
1084. City status
1086. City status
1087. City status. Red Cross float
1088. City status. Boys’ Brigade
1089. City status. Governor-General
1090. City status. Rotary Float
1091. City status. Vintage cars
1092. Youth Club
1094. Carnival night Xmas
1121. Red Cross junior group
Negatives in the following envelopes were used to produce exhibition prints; they have not so far been matched to the original films
1079. Catholic Women’s League singing group
1102. Two fathers and children
1106. Guests at STC social
1115. Athol Neighbours, projectionist; Majestic Theatre closing
1122. Farmers; T. Hawkes, Dick Bradley, Ian Andrews at Rotary farmers' luncheon
1127. Fancy Dress, Maymorn hall Xmas ‘52
1129. St Joseph’s School hall demolition
Images originally exhibited in 1998, and again in 2000.
Numbers are those allocated in the 1998-2000 visitors' book; for details, refer to the full listing of the accession.
A & P show; 104
A & P Society ball/s; 51, 60, 61
Art Club; 106
Bank of New Zealand; 94
Cains Motors; 113
Catholic Women’s League simnging group; 9
Christmas carnival quiz; 63
City status; first baby, Jane Scobie; 32
City status; miscellaneous scenes; 71, 72
City-status processsion; 20, 22-25, 27, 29-31
City-status proclamation; 21, 28, 176
Civic ball/s; 26, 37
Cottle Kindergarten wine and cheese; 58
Cricket, Maidstone Park; 147
Dance championship; 44, 56,
Dawn Garments ball; 46, 49
Decimal training; 118A, B
Fancy dress ball, 5 colleges combined; 53, 55
Farmers’ luncheon; 139
Fire, Wallaceville hill; 122
Golf club ball; 35
Hapai Club; 95
Hazelwoods people; 62, 64, 65, 66, 158
Hazelwoods fancy dress; 165, 171
Heretaunga Players; 163, 167
The ‘Hi-Lites’ band; 52
Jackson family and friends; 99-101, 103, 143, 144, 151, 152, 165A
Jaycee people; 112
St Joseph’s cchurch; 128, 129
St Joseph’s school; 132
St Joseph’sSchool choir; 115
Kent, Harry; 84
Kindergarten ball; 159, 161, 164
Labour groupm eeting; 160
Maidstone memorial Swimming Baths;85, 86
Main Street views; 73-76, 138, 146
Majestic Theatre closing; projectionist; 125
Mangaroa station, decorated for royal visit; 79, 149
Mary Ann McCurdy, 100; 150
Martin diamond wedding; 154
Menzies; Ted and Nan, with grandson; 162
Ministry of Works ball; 153
Morgan, Tony; people at 21st; 157, 172
‘Moving Folk’ group; 39
Orphanage outing; 135
Quinn family (Leo and Noelene’s); 126
Quinn’s Post events; 91, 123, 124, 156, 169
Plateau School social; 43, 45, 48, 54
Plunket fahion parade, RSA; 59
Railway ststion; 77
Red Cross; 89, 90
Rimutaka tunnel; 78
Roads Board group with mayor; 134
Rotary Chinese dinner-dance; 3, 36, 38
Rotary; Christmas-trees; 1
Rotary people; 2, 5, 131, 132, 142
Rotary/Heretaunga College speech competition; 6
Rugby; 81, 82, 83
RSA ball; 15, 33, 42
RSA Christmas social; 140
RSA dawn parade; 12. 145
RSA opening; 10, 17, 18, 19, 168, 170
RSA people; 4, 16
RSA widows’ Christmas party; 8, 13, 14, 98
Saint Hilda’s church; 97
Silver Plough; cildren on tractor; 105
Silverstream plunket fancy dress; 92
Silverstream School lamb; 102
South African war veterans’ reunion; 7, 11
Spinning club;107
Standard Telephones and Cables social; 47, 137?
Tandem and riders; 88
Tasman Vaccine Laboratories concrete pour; 67-69
Te Marua golf club; 111
Totara Park; 70, 108, 109
Traffic arden children’s party; 110
Upper Hutt College; 96
Upper Hutt seen from surrounding hills; 120
Uooer Hutt School centenary; 173-175
Wahine storm damage; 116, 117
Tracy Watson, Highland dancer; 87
Whataroa,Westland, school group with mayor; 114
Mrs Whiteman ; first subscriber to Civic Centre loan; 93
White’s Banquet Services staff; 133,141.
Woolworths; checkers competition audience; 119
Youth dance, Rugby gymnasium; 34, 41, 50
People at unidentified events; 40, 127
71 prints, added to the series exhibited in 1998 as ‘Photographs of Upper Hutt 1955-1975’ in the Community Gallery in a second exhibition in 2000; and two items from Revelle Jackson’s personal collection.
Numbers are those allocated in the 1998-2000 visitors' book; for details, refer to the full listing of the accession.
Items 72 and 73 were not part of the exhibition, and items 70, and 72 may not be Revelle Jackson’s work; 73 is not.
A & P shows; 11, 49.
Christmas carnival quiz; 14.
Consolidated Plastics dance; 23, 29, 43, 46, 47, 52, 71.
Cottle kindergarten wine and cheese party; 18, 56, 57, 66.
Dawn Garments ball; 21, 30, 39, 41, 42, 50, 51, 54, 55.
Fancy dress ball; five colleges combined; 12, 16, 20, 28, 35, 60, 61, 68.
Dunlop; first-aid certificates; 59.
Gayleen Brown Girl Guide, Queen’s Badge; 58
Hazelwoods;fancy dress, ‘overdraft kit’; 37, 38.
Maidstone Mall; bicycle winner; 67.
Quinn’s Post Christmas party; 13, 19, 22, 27, 32, 48, 53, 62.
RSA events; 24.
Rugby Club jubilee;-1-6, 9.
Rugby League ball/s; 17, 25, 31, 40, 65.
St Joseph’s church; 45
Teenage dance; 33, 34.
Tasman Vaccine Laboratories; pouring concrete; 64.
Upper Hutt views; 7, 8, 63, 69, 70, 72, 73.
Unrecognised events; 26 (Patersons), 36 (Roy Wale).
2018/2: Folder of 16 Misc photographic prints, some by Revelle Jackson, others by unknown photographers but printed by Jackson. Loc 5A Ref# P-M-03/01-P-M-03/10
About the original
Location8 c, 7b (formerly 8d)Accession0250, 0264, 0275, 0283, 0330, 0377, 0391, 0407ConservationNegatives require storage improvementCustodial historyThe collection was held at Mr Jackson's home before transfer to the Upper Hutt Public Library over 1997-1998.
Accession 377: 11/1/1 no's 340-346
Accession 377: 11/1/1 no's 340-346
Jackson, Wilfred Revelle (1918-2015). Upper Hutt City Library, accessed 10/02/2025, https://uhcl.recollect.co.nz/nodes/view/14957